Failed coils

My two go to places for coils are VaporBeast, and Sweet-Vapes LInks to follow

I bought my wife 2 packages of
"authentic Kanger Coils" off of ebay for her subtank nano, The first package was great, each lasted a long time, vaped clean and fit perfectly in the tank. The second pack seemed off somehow. they didn’t fit easily when installing them. I had to sort of push real hard on them to reach the threads. they lasted less than a week before beginning to taste a little harsh. Wifey vapes at about 38 watts, on a Kanger subox nano, a Vapresso Target or an IPV mini 2. Shouldn’t be a problem.

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ty ill check those places out its scary buying off the net sometimes but where i live a pack of coils for the smok is 40$ i guess i need to start learning how to build my own

I’ve blown several Ti wires 5 minutes after a build. It will puff your face like a blowfish for a millisecond. Explosive is definitely the correct term for it. I’m not surprised it would break the glass, especially in an OCC coil because they are packed tight and can therefore transfer the pressure through the juice to the glass where a rebuildable style is typically much less dense, absorbing some of the shock. Not advocating anything, just spit balling the physics.

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