FASTTECH?!? What's the deal?

You can upgrade - I don’t mind it being slow all that much ;D

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I’m totally opposite I JUST CAN’T WAIT I’m a tracking fool!!! Lol


I’m with quitter I want it as quick as possible …btw Lemo 2 pre-order up on FT …in the cart


Ha-ha nice


None of the regulars there seem to feel this is a clone. They all believe its the original one. They have explained why to many in the threads so I am going by what they are saying but if you know differently I am always open to listening.
Unfortunately we had a 8 page thread going yesterday in great depth and much of PC and GB were discussed leading to the whole thread being cancelled.

Now, that said, I looked at the best gear one and for me in Canada it wasnt $20 but $26. If they could be found easily here I would consider paying the store fee but it just doesnt feel as good when I have to go that route :frowning:
At FB its only $17. At $17 i can throw it away if needed but there is a 20 day pre-order so it gives me tiime if a better deal comes up or I decide to go another route plus there are others before me that should likely receive theirs first at which point i will know for sure if it is real but a few of the guys there I follow for info are 99.9% convinced it is authentic.

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Sorry, my mistake, I alwasy forget to hit the option for currency and its not $17 for Canadians at FT but $21. So tere is a $5 difference but again, I believe that the one on FT will later prove to be authentic.

But interestingly enough on Best Gear many have asked if it is an authentic version, 4x and the person keeps saying that its an authorized version. Now, chances are that is just a language barrier problem but its led some to conclude that although they believe it to be authentic, there is a slight chance it might not be.
Whats interesting as well as that on BG it will ship witin 5 days. Goblin right now has claimed to be 3 weeks behind everywhere. So it also plays well into the pre-order of 20 days at FT and less for the GB at a 4-5 shipping day.
Right now, I am sticking with the FT version only because those far wiser than I believe it to be the real one.

It has occured to me that its possible that some of these companies might not price fix so much but will stay within the competition and collude together for lack of a better term.
You cant quite price fix on BestGear for they can say the one on FT is not authentic but people believe it is and I think that might be why its listed as it is, not claiming to be authentic

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Fasttech has Lemo 2 ready to ship !! Just an FYI in case anybody is looking to get one .


Just got a notification my Lemo was shipped already !! That is nuts by fasttech standards when I placed the order it was a pre-order for 7 days . I placed it last night ! They must have had some on hand and marked it wrong


can’t wait to see how u like it!!!


The hype is real. The Goblin is a great device ;D


Everyone needs a goblin in the rotation


I’ve been using FT for a very long time. Bought lot of cheap stuff but half of it ended up in garbage. So not actually cheap at all. You really need to use common sense and be careful. Stick to genuine products. Even with genuine juices, on occasion they would send out juice that’s really old and tastes like ass. It’s kind of like playing lottery when you buy from there so never bet too much.


Personally I’d never buy juice from fasttech period ! That being said I think a lot of the hardware is cheap but before it has the chance to break I usually am on to the new best thing anyhow. So whether I buy it from there or buy authentic local it would still eventually end up in the same place I think!


Woot! Only 27 short days later and my new K.Loud atomizers are in the post from Fasttech!

Thank you for shopping at We’re pleased to tell you that order A032254175 has shipped!

By the Wings of Mercury!


I’m still waiting on a replacement base for my aqua V2 since a month ago …hasn’t even shipped yet . But at least my m80 is at the post office for pick up today !


I should have 2 packages from fasttech waiting in my box for me when I get home . One of those packages is my lemo 2 (hurray). The other is some nickel wire for my vapor flask I should be receiving hopefully next week . The nickel wire shipped to me in 7 days !!! That’s got to be a fasttech record


My K.Loud atomizers are still being held captive in China!

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So I ordered two packages …one with Canada post epacket and one with China post epacket just for curiosity …Canada post took a record 7 days !! China post is 22 days and counting …2 dollar or so difference …so if in Canada and ordering from FT …pony up the dough for the Canada post option . And also FYI …Sweden post for batteries takes just as long as the slow boat from China .


I have ordered quite a bit from FT and it usually takes around 10 days after they shipped it to arrive in Amsterdam. Stuff has always been in good shape apart from an iStick that I got yesterday. Created a ticket but couldn’t capture a flickering display on a picture so now they are asking me to upload a video to Youtube and send them the link. Hats off for the vapers that put videos on Youtube all the time. Never done that before, this vid is just over a minute long and is only at 38% after two hours!
Forgot to mention I’ve never had to pay any customs fees, they always send it as a gift at 20 USD. Also forgot that you should never order when they are celebrating the New Year. It’s a big deal over there and I’ve heard people complaining about waiting for 6 weeks or more.


I had to do the same for a bad device not long ago! That was 1 1/2 hrs. of my life I’ll never get back! and aged me by 3 years! But I got my money back!!! Yay, I guess.