Favorite MTL tobacco recipes or MTL flavorings?

just wondering if anyone has any great simple MTL tobacco ish recipes for use in pod systems like a Caliburn or Xros that aren’t sweet. I’ll share my novel of thoughts here if you enjoy reading lol, I’ve been vaping a juice called Gold Seal Fresh Tobacco since I started vaping in 2016, I finally figured out how to clone it a few years back and I guess the owner of that company finally caught wind of my clone recipe and called Danny at the Broke Vaper and had that flavoring I use completely pulled and cannot be bought for public sale anymore. Tried to contact the broke vaper a few times and ask them what the hell is going on but nothing but crickets, so that is my theory anyway. Not full of myself or anything but same thing happened to me a few years ago when I worked on a Nasty Juice clone for awhile, I was poking around asking questions for help in a facebook group and someone in Malaysia tagged the owner of Nasty Juice into my thread and suddenly after that Reka Dark Tobacco vanished from the face of the earth. I guess I will never post any clone recipes public again, this is bullshit. Anyways just wondering if you guys have any simple MTL tobacco ish recipes. I have about 4 months to replace something I’ve been vaping since 2016, they currently sell a 30ml bottle of this stuff in stores for $40 after this latest tax hike we got. Completely insane. It’s probably the best selling tobacco eIiquid in Canada for pod systems so buddy wants every dime to himself, I get it, business is business but just message me and I’ll pull the recipe instead, what a dink. Anyways I find the best MTL recipes are usually only 2 components like Ohossoho by The Juice Fairy. I use my clone in one Caliburn and then Ohossoho in my other so I have 2 different recipes on the go to get me through my work day. I can only drip and use my big set up at home otherwise I’m at work or around my 6 year old daughter so I love these little pod systems to vape discretely which I have to do often with my life. Thanks for any help or suggestions in advance, I really appreciate it


Frank did a lot of Tobacco recipes for pod. Don’t do tobaccos myself so you can wade through these.


awesome I’ll have a look, thank you