Favorite quotes



Same here, I did see the word floating around a few times, but thought they were just people being aware, awake.

If I understand it correctly, then all the problems in my life are solved,
I only have to identify as someone who pays the rent :woman_shrugging:
The same goes for everything else that I’m expected to do of course.

But officer, I identify as a law abiding citizen, you can’t possibly give me a fine.
That would be offensive!

We now have grown males, with their crown jewels intact, who identify as ‘women’ and are therefore allowed to participate in female competitions and are allowed to use the same dressing room as the women.

They of course gloriously win every competition. I think there was a reason for separate categories in sports.

Funnily enough, not a lot of trans man are clamouring to compete against males.
Now why would that be? :thinking:

Biological facts do not matter, in fact when you mention there’s such a thing as 2 sexes you get cancelled.
See J.K. Rowling.

It is just basically reinforcing pathology. These people need help, instead they are encouraged and we have to give a big applause or else.

First we had to understand and tolerate, now we have to worship at the altar of insanity.

This clip is from years ago. It was funny, once.
It’s woke in a nutshell.



Shit, this was favourite quotes.
Here’s a good one for the wokies and anybody else who feels the need to call people fascist or Nazi because they happen to have a different opinion.

When you point one finger at somebody else, there are three fingers pointing back at you.

Indian proverb.


Hehe @Josephine_van_Rijn, coffee spitter on that one for me. :slight_smile:


This is a good example :grin:
From this

To this


I would really love to take something like that to court. Get a chance to use my way with words :smiling_imp:


I’m using this trans thing.

I went into a Dunkin the other day and had to use the toilet. There two of them, of course, and a man was waiting there. I loudly said, “I’m a woman” and went into the woman’s toilet. And I left the seat up because I had suddenly turned back into a man.


You don’t have to dear. You can piss standing up and even stick a fly in the pot to aim at.
As long as you ‘‘identify as’’, you’re fine.
You identified yourself loud and clear, didn’t you?




Which makes me wonder why that’s such an irritation with women? No woman I know sits down on a public toilet seat. That’s why we have strong thighs :rofl:


It’s a useful quote but I beg to differ with Leo…JMO


So, that’s where the footprints on the seat are coming from!


No, that’s from the Pakistanis :rofl:

Lol, I once had a friend whose husband was from Pakistan and I asked her why there were footprints on their toilet seats. At the time I thought that was peculiar until I discovered the Squatty Potty :wink:


I forget which country but when I was in the military there were bathrooms (commodes, water closets, whatever) that had a simple porcelain hole in the floor with a porcelain foot ‘perch’ on either side of the hole. If I had to use one of those today I’d never be able to get back up. :grin:


The ones where you have to squat? What a coincidence…


Or worse, fall into it!


I now believe in squatting…it cured my constipation. But I use the modern squatty potty instead of trying to balance myself on a narrow toilet seat, lol. What if one of my feet slipped off? :rofl: :open_mouth:


“So, how about that weather?”

– Me, changing the current subject :slight_smile:


Yep, that’s been proven to be true. Throughout the Middle East and most of Asia you’ll find them. They can be pretty nasty though. Have you ever noticed how many Asians can squat very low and stay there for quite some time? I don’t know which came first, the squat or the toilet, but it works for them.

I’ve seen some very nasty toilets over the years but I still remember the worst ever. It was on a train from Cairo to Aswan and we were in the first class car (in the US you wouldn’t be allowed to transport animals in it). The toilet in that car had never been cleaned and the car had to be 40 years old. the toilet was against the outer wall with a window above it. The only way to use the toilet was to put my face up to the window to breathe. It was a horrid stench that stayed with me for 24+ hours after leaving the train. The filth of the closet was beyond description. I really thought I was going to get something from that toilet. As an aside, my wife picked up a nasty parasite from the Nile and wasn’t cured of it until we got to Istanbul.

There is always a plus to everything. Ever since that train ride whenever I enter a filthy toilet I think, “This ain’t that bad, I’ve seen worse.”


The worst toilet I ever saw was on a road trip from Monterey, CA to San Francisco. Compared to your experience, I’d say it was a bouquet of flowers.