“Maturity is knowing when to be immature”.
I have a page on my phone that I keep quotes on. These are my favorites.
“Life is tough, but it’s tougher if you’re stupid.” John Wayne
“What we do not know does not hurt us as much as what we think we know but do not.” Mark Twain
With age comes wisdom. Indeed, time is the greatest teacher. Unfortunately, it kills all of its’ students.
Do tell. My guess is not the lower 40 but north of the wild frontier.
The Zappa crowd is north of 55+.
A wise person said that you don’t need mystical powers to see into the past or predict the future. If you want to know what happened in the past look at the present effects. If you want to know the future look at the causes being made today.
Then I came across this quote:
“The most reliable way to predict the future is to create it.”
― Anonymous
Great advice from Arnold Palmer:
“Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you.”
*I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it.”
—Maya Angelou
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
―Ralph Waldo Emerson
That’s what got me lost in the woods yesterday, Ralph.
I’m 58 and was never much of a Zappa fan but I respect that he did what he wanted to with zero shits given.
My 23 y/o son is a HUGE Zappa fan and has educated me on how I’ve been wrong all these years. I’m familiar with the lyric.
The more I practice the luckier I get - Gary Player
I think it’s wonderful that your son appreciates music from that period. I made sure my boys were exposed to lots of music.
My 11 (almost 12) year old daughter isn’t into music THAT old but she is a big fan of Red Hot Chili Peppers, Smashing Pumpkins, No Doubt, Metallica, and other bands that were popular when I was in Junior High and High School.
We listen to the “Lithium” channel on SiriusXM, in the car. She’ll hear a song, perk up, and make note of it on her phone in the back seat. I’ll hear her singing along to “Nothing Else Matters” or “Aeroplane”.
It’s so great to be able to share that part of my life with her. LIVING the High School years sucked but the SOUNDTRACK was fabulous!
What can I say, I’m raising a child with some pretty good taste in music!
“not knowing fear allowed me to make bold fashion choices” (Resident Alien)
“If you can’t explain something in simple terms, you don’t understand it properly” (possibly Albert Einstein)
When I was teaching my students wanted to learn the old school stuff. It made me happy but it told me one thing. What’s happening today isn’t as inspiring. Of course, I’m talking about what’s widely accepted as commercial music.
Age is not an excuse for giving up. Allowing yourself to grow passive and draw back is a sign of personal defeat. There may be a retirement age at work, but there is no retirement age in life.
Amen, sister!! But in my opinion this is true for lots of things…
’ Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."
A bit off topic but your words reminded me of this:
Skip to 1:38, I think you might enjoy this
Fascinating! Thank you for posting this. Don’t have time to view the entire vid but will def get back to this one. I’m intrigued.