Yeah it makes you think, doesn’t it?
It’s a bit depressing though. But who ever doubted we’re being mislead? To see the mechanisms they used all these years ago is quite creepy.
“All I want is all I can see,
all I can see is in front of me.”
Matthew McConaughey
If all this is as he said it’s more than creepy it’s sinister. The connected dots are too many to just be coincidence, imo.
I love this one because it really makes you think. I imagined it from different perspectives. The first was being in the moment. Being content with your surroundings. Accepting your circumstances. But then I imagined being in prison (all I want…is in front of me). No one wants that but I suppose if you accept your circumstances you can deal with your situation better. Or an immobile person in a wheelchair. I guess for me it comes down to enjoying and appreciating what I have in life.
That is a good way of thinking of it if you are happy with what you have in life @muth and takes it in a quite literal context, but what if your not happy?
All I want is all I can see can mean what is in my actual vision, but can also mean what I can envision. It can be dreams, ambitions, goals and desires. What we can “see” in our minds for ourselves and others.
All I can see is in front of me can mean in the future, in possibility, in your life path. Our vision, both internal and external is multi-directional. Physically, we can move our eyes, turn our head, reposition our bodies and change our locations. The same is true of our thoughts, we can and do change our internal vision of ourselves, our dreams and others all the time.
The quote is one of my favourites because of the different perspectives it can apply to, and that it shows we are not limited to only one direction in anything. If you can see it, you can achieve it.
I love that you took it from vision to envision. That was a phenomenal analysis @lanc13
Do not choose to be wrong for the sake of being different.
Too late Where were you when I was a teen?
Do you mind me asking what it is you do?
@muth I help business owners develop their brand online and coach them from both the business perspective and on a personal level.
Wow, kind of a life coach but with a focus on business? That’s kool
There are two types of leaders:
- Divide and Conquer
- Unite and Build
Which doesn’t mean they have different goals… All the big bastards in history united and built before they devided and conquered!
This is true. The difference would be one builds a hierarchy and one builds a culture.
When stones are cast at good people, when the rights of honest, hard-working people are trampled, we should be angry! When anyone anywhere around the world discriminates against another, we should burn with indignation! Raise your voices! Nothing suits the authorities better than the apathy of the people, than their feeling of powerlessness and their acceptance of violations of human rights.