Feeling sick after vaping

Hello I had kind of a weird situation that’s been going on for a couple days now. I vape Grants Custard on a daily basis for the past like 4 months. And it seems now that I have been feeling sick after every time I vape. It seems as if it is too sweet. So I tried vaping on a grants custard that I had made during a different batch and the same thing happens.
I finally got sick of feeling sick and mixed up a menthol mix on a fresh coil and that even tastes sweet! What is going on?!? All I added was menthol vg pg and nic. I also have tried switching liquid to suicide bunny sucker punch clone and that makes me feel even more sick.

This has happened one other time when I was vaping on a liquid called crunch berries.
I know this is a very vague description but was wondering if anyone has ever experienced something like this before?

Are all these made from the same batch of nic? If so try diluting a small batch of what you’re vaping… 50/50 mix/vg, and take a vape to see how you feel.

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They are the same batch of nic. Also they all seem very very very weak. Like I would have to add more nic

Where you previously a smoker? Like 4-6 months ago. If you are getting you tasting ability back thank could explain it too.

If so or not for being an exsmoker. Me personally I find a lot of custards to be very sweet. Sometimes way too much. I would think for me personally after a week of vaping custard I would feel kinda sick.


The other thing you do is try vaping liquid with no flavor in it. Then you might know if it’s in the flavoring or your nic blend…might be able to discern whats causing the problem.

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What’s your nic level? I smoked for years and started high. But now anything over 1 or 3 mg will do that to me. I’m a heavy vapor so I stay at 1mg


Yeah, what nic level is your mix?
Dilute or make a new batch, and without the menthol for testing.
Not really enough info from you to go on, but cut back on nic…
try half of what % you are on first.

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I have been vaping for over two years. I think I will just have to find another flavor I like.

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I use 3-5 Mgs of nic. As of late I do not get a throat hit and I also can not even tell there is nic in the liquid.


Why would I cut my nic down? I cannot even tell there is nic in it. It tastes grow. But feel super weak

How long since you quit smoking?

Over two years

How long have you been on 5mg nic mixes?
You may not think you can tell it’s there, but your body can.
[I don’t understand “It tastes grow. But feel super weak”]
How many ml do you vape a day, and do you chain vape?
Dripper or tank, and what coils and wattage? MTL or DTL?
What % pg/vg?

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I go through probably 15 mls a day and use a RX200 at 50W with a crown by uwell. Pre made could

I meant it tastes gross


I am finding out as my vape gear evolves so must my my recipes.I started at 18mg nicotine and dropped to 9mg within a year and a half.I am now at 3mg and thinking of going lower.
My mixing has changed as well .I am also vaping a custard or cream on a daily basis and am discovering that I have to lower my flavoring percentages or they become sickly sweet.
I started out mixing Vanilla Custard V1(CAP) in the 10%-12% range.I am now cutting that in half and using it in the 5%-8% range.
I am sure the reason for my having to change is my equipment.I now use mods in the 45-65 watt range on subtanks or rda’s using Ti ,SS, or fused claptons.


When you go sub ohm coils if you don’t drop the nic way down you can get sick. I went from 6mg to 2mg because I didnt have a choice. Also, early in the game for me my allergy/intolerance to PG came on very suddenly.

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I sit here all day most days…and vape my ass off.
It’s hard to pinpoint your situation, but I began a couple years ago at 24mg nic [and above]
I have decreased it more in the last 6 months at a faster rate than before.
Normally, I only used tanks, single coils, low wattage, and I still had to cut back.
I haven’t [felt] the nic in my throat for some time, and I have never felt sick, but I somehow
could tell my body needed less nicotine…call me f’n psychic ! But when I listened [to my body]
and decreased my nic level, everything worked out better. Better flavor, and larger inhales to start.
I use a lot more than 15ml/day. I have even had great batches [to me] that I ADV that I have
simply diluted with VG because I needed the nic level down, and it kept me from dumping them.
None of us [and I am no expert] can solve your problem without being with you 24/7 and seeing
exactly what you are doing, but the great thing here at ELR is there are so many that have been
down so many paths in this new vaping world. Like anywhere or anything else, listen to all ideas, then use your own brain to sort through all of the suggestions, make your own conclusions. As you have already been on ELR for a while, I know you have seen so much help and advice freely given, short of the few that get their panties knotted over personal opinions. No one has a magic wand, that is only in Disney movies and other mythical arenas, but ELR has more willingness to help each other, more positive attitudes, per capita, than I am sure anyone will find elsewhere, and I am certain you are aware of it.
As @BoyHowdy states, this whole world of vaping is not only evolving, but usually faster than the normal vaper can keep up with, and to survive it, you/I/we must also evolve. Some of us remain in a comfort zone, and there is no wrong in that…providing they don’t experience differences that affect their comfort. In your case, something has changed, therefore must you. Many here to help, as long as you allow the advice, then you must make the decision. I hope this ramble is of some help, and if not, print it out and run it through the shredder. :laughing: And as Maureenie brings up, you can develop an intolerance to PG. The bottom line in this vape world is simple, there are almost as many variables as one can count. Hang out, hang in, and Tonto will surely be along to help the Lone Ranger solve your dilemma. In the meantime, we are always here for you.


my first thought is she’s over nic’d herself. I’ve gotten very queasy from mixes with more nic than I’m used to. I don’t know you so if you’re very careful with adding nic to mixes forgive me :slight_smile:


Honestly i think I am getting sick possibly with the flu which is why the liquid makes me feel sick but still doesn’t explain why it tastes very weak as in no throat hit or the harshness I actually like.