Filtration and flavour

Okay guys… got two questions I cant find an answer to…
Was looking at a website and where they brew Scotch, Brandy, Wine…
And they sell Oak Wood Roasted to give that ‘smokey’ taste to beverages…
Would those be suitable for NET making?
And a sterile electric air pump filter with a ‘filterstone’ of 2 micron…

I’ll post the links… It’s in Dutch… But maybe someone has some info about this?


I believe there are threads on the barrels. About 1 1/2-2 years old now. I believe two or three people tried it. Don’t remember if they were Nets though. Yes the mixes that were made were steeped in chared oak barrels and the chared flavor transfered to the mix. Wish I could find it it gave steeping time.


I bought a mini oak barrel (1 litre). Commonly used for steeping vanilla beans to make your own extract. They come with instructions and steep times. I used it for a bourbon custard so it was steeping for 3 weeks but 2 weeks is long enough to get imbued with the charred oak flavor. They can be useful for turning a cheap wine or liquor into a top shelf beverage. But once you use it for a particular liquor you can’t switch over to another, ie, from wine to rum or bourbon. The flavor is imbued in the wood.