Congrats on the new job!
It’s going alright. My girlfriend got a new job assisting disabled people. Just been work-sleep-work-sleep its a bit tedious lol
Hey that’s my job too!
…I mean “Congrats!” I had a friend who worked on Quarry equipment I’d go down there and stand inside wheels …HUGE
Yeah not quite that big where I work, couple of them have tire about my height though, most of the equipment I drive will fit on a 10k lbs double axel trailer. Skid steers and mini excavators mainly.
Honest living. Glad to hear about your ladys’ job.
So Happy for y’all Mike that is awesome news !
She will be rewarded in many ways…so glad to hear.
I have wondered how the new job was.
God bless you both.
It’s been an experience. Lol. Lot to learn in a short time, 2 or 3 configurations between each piece of machinery to learn, pretty much got most of what we have down pretty good already now, I just wish the mini excavators were faster hah the bigger stuff is, but those little ones take forever to get around on barely walking speed. Think overall I’ve gotten the hang of most* of the main things I do, with basically infinite more to be learnt. Things are okay, just starting a crappy climb out of our rut again but my Birthday is tomorrow and after work there is a light saber war in salt lake city like hundreds of people lol will be interesting and surely fun. Plus I get a shirt and light saber lol
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday buddy. Have a good one.
Happy birthday!!!