I have to say it…
I just started DIY in mid October. I have mostly just tried to come up with my own recipes with the flavors I have had. Until a month or so ago I really couldn’t make too many recipes on here. My flavor stash has grown to 195 flavors. So that limitation has slowly diminished and I have a dozen or so recipes steeping right now that were made from recipes found on the site here. Some of you have been kind enough to actually send me some juices to try, and I have rated those as soon as I tried them. For that I want to give you guys a
Because it gave me hope that I can some day make my own juices and stop spending ridiculous amounts of money at the vape shops for overpriced juices. Now I only buy juices to support my local shop. I have enough mixing supplies to keep a small town vaping for a few months. And it has been a very fun ride going from a noob to feeling somewhat adept at coming up with juices I really like.
To those that have shared these killer recipes thank you as well! I will soon be rating and commenting on your creations. I have been patiently waiting for the ones I have made to steep. And at last I am starting to vape them. It’s a really big moment for me. I have actually tried a couple over the past couple weeks. I have to say… retail juice doesn’t come close to what I have made since I found this site. The recipes here are amazing and I want to also thank @daath for putting this all together. And all of you guys that make this site what it is. I have never seen a site with people more willing to share their secrets like I see here. Truly amazing!
But all of this is nothing compared to the amount of knowledge I have gained here. I find myself getting distracted from my favorite show, or the task at hand to come here and learn something new, or chat with my friends here. Such is the case right now. I started vaping @SthrnMixer’s Strawberry Milk while watching a show. And I felt compelled to come and write this post. Thanks again everyone