First eliquid made?

First recipe was a tobacco copied from the internet.
re; Check cookies
As to success, yes and no. I did not know that the poster liked a intense throat hit (among others) and added non standard ingredients. The mix was good but I have modified the original at least 5 times to get a ADV out of it. I still mix and vape it regularly.
Like your choice of mix, best to keep it simple to start.
Might want to check “grape drank” and see if it is listed in ELR recipe section. Could note comments and number of stars. You could even take a look at the flavors used for each ingredient and see if they conform to standard median usages. I like to check the popularity of the flavors choosen for that particular recipe. But make it fun, this is what it’s all about.
re: Check cookies

First, I haven’t found a pineapple I really like… Golden Pineapple (CAP) is better than the others, but it’s not what I would yet call good ole’ out-of-the-can pineapple. Pineapple (FA) smells good, but doesn’t quite have the pineapple taste, Pineapple (FW) smells/tastes like gasoline.

I was thinking something a little more organic and scavenger in origin for the taste of FW. Was hoping FA was a step up from the CAP Does FLA make a pineapple, I haven’t ever checked to see.

Yup they do, now I just have to find someone that has tried it and Capella to compare them.

I’ve found a grape drank one with only 2 concentrates. That’s the one im going to attempt this evening. Keep it simple as a first time attempt


Good luck! :four_leaf_clover:

I have only been mixing for a few months, I did plenty of research on each flavor and came up with this as my first recipe:

Very Berry Champagne

Ingredient %
Blackberry (CAP) 2.5
Blueberry Natural (LAN) 2.5
Champagne (TPA) 5
Citrus Blossom (LA) 0.5
Italian Lemon Sicily (CAP) 0.5
Raspberry (INAWERA) 2
Strawberry (Ripe) (TPA) 3

Flavor total: 16%

Remember to rate it at!

It has been one of the best so far!


Wow! Just had a taste of my first ever recipe which i adapted from Joe Donovan. “Grape drank”. Take a bow Joe. Simple recipe but very tasty. I could vape that stuff all day. Very nice.

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I cloned my vape shops grape candy, now after months of research mine is definitely better than theirs.

Cosmic Grape Candy ©

Grape Candy (TPA)16

Flavor total: 16%

Remember to rate it at!
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My first diy juice was in march ‘16 and was clove based trying to get a kretek/gudang garam flavour using premixed flavours and some flavour essence from BestEcig. what i got was really nice after a few months of tinkering but I didn’t keep a record of my tinkering! :cry: i can’t come close in new recipes to what i have so i’'m at least grateful i made up 50ml, so i offtop 2.4ml every now and then and get my sweet and spicy yummy clove fix, so… i should get a few miles out of it until i can replicate it or at least come up with something equally as good… and record EVERY effing DROP! :persevere:


Might I suggest:

Ecigexpress ~ 234 Dji Sam Soe
Hangsen ~ Black Label (Dijarum)

Either one of these at roughly 3% mixed with .5% (4 or 5 drops) of Inawera Dirty Neutral Base or a tobacco absolute of your choice, will render the clove type vape you’re after. I prefer the Hangsen, but the ECX will do in a pinch. :grinning:


thanks for the info… i’ve looked at the Hangsen you’ve mentioned and “guiding garam” flavour concentrate @hellocig but the price to ship a 10ml bottle to Australia is 5 X more than the price of the bottle itself. I haven’t found any kretek style flavours here tho I’m more than happy to stumble along and create something myself.

BTW your cubano style recipes are very interesting and i’m looking at getting some more tobacco flavours and have a crack at a few of them. I’ve been playing around with French Pipe and Perique Black but we don’t get a very broad spectrum of tobacco flavours such as those you are using in your recipes here in Oz just yet. I’ll compile a list of flavours that we can’t get locally here and i’ll get them shipped over when i have enough to make it worth while for the cost of shipping to Australia.


Ahhh, I usually ask where you are on the globe first, before spouting suggestions. :pensive: Sorry 'bout that.

These folks have their JF Super Concentrate line that has many tobaccos to peruse and they have clove. :grinning: I get these in the US and have found there are some very nice tobaccos in the SC line. Some are alcohol based, so letting them air out for a few hours is suggested. :wink:…they are quick steepers as well.

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And their JF Gourmet SC line is Baker Flavors, which I have heard numerous great things about their tobaccos in other forums. Baker Flavors aren’t sold in the US. :pensive:

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sounds good… just checked out the JF range of tobacco flavours… Santo Dios! I want to try them all! :grin: the cherry cigar will be on the list and the blu bacco and twisted up tobacco look interesting too. they don’t have much of a product description so i’ll do a little research on these. I’ll give the Baker Flavours a look, too… the missus is going to draw and quarter me if i buy any more flavours… but hey! i live for danger :grin:


I like your style and you are going to fit in great around here!:grinning:


made me chuckle that, when a pile of jiffy bags turn up for me I just grab them all and take them out to my summer house where I do my mixing and open them there,
“what’s all that dear”
“supplies luv, got orders to do! gonna be rich! woop!”
(opens up 2 new mods and several new RDA’s) …


this is a good pressure release button i’ve used just after i placed a $470 order some flavours and a few Nautilus tanks… You only get to use this once so use it wisely :nerd:

Me: Amor (I married a Colombiana :sweat:) what is your favourite flavour?
Her: Strawberrrrrry…why?
Me: Because I love you so much that with this next batch of flavours I’m going to make the most sweetest, loveliest strawberry surprise recipe and name it after you…:kissing_heart:
Her: Oh me amor te amo tanto tanto tanto :heart_eyes: (that means she loves me a lot :sunglasses:)

She was checking that tracking number every 2 minutes :+1:


:clap::laughing: brilliant

The mans a master! I have much to learn. Next tell us how we can blag new mods!