Hi all. Out of interest. What was the first recipe you copied or made yourself? And was it a successful first attempt? I’m still waiting for my vg,pg to arrive, so I can have a go at making “grape drank” (I love the grape taste) hopefully it will turn out ok
First liquid i ever made was “strawberry” and i got “organic strawberry tpa” which is a very weak flavor profile
so I ignored the elr bot and ended up with 22% strawberry dishsoap. yuk
first one I ever made was a lemon cheesecake and it was lovely
My first mix was 20% of mount baker strawberry. Not good. Not good at all.
My first was Addy’s Yogurt and it was good.
First I made was Ozo Coco Pino in November 2014
I tweaked the nicotine and sweetener last Spring, but I still vape it daily in rotation for a palate cleanse.
Ingredient | % |
Coconut Candy (TPA) | 1 |
Creamy Coconut (FW) | 5 |
Malted Milk (TPA) | 0.5 |
Pineapple (FA) | 2 |
Rum (FW) | 1 |
Sucralose or other | 0.25 |
Flavor total: 9.75%
Remember to rate it at e-liquid-recipes.com!
It was reported as tasting like strawberry cotton candy. But nope it didn’t work for me. Tried 10 variations. All no go. Strawberry FA 2% joy FA 1%.
Everybody said it was amazing. It didn’t work for me. Moved on from it and tried others and slowly stuff started to work.
Be prepared for instant yay depending on the recpie you are making or frustration. Plan on spending time reading and tweaking recpies. At this point everything is top notch.
My first successful recipe was:
Grubby Strawberry Breeze 60/40
Ingredient | % |
Koolada 10% (TPA) | 1 |
Pineapple (TPA) | 4 |
Sweet Strawberry (CAP) | 13 |
Flavor total: 18%
Remember to rate it at e-liquid-recipes.com!
DIY e-liquid can be quite daunting, trying to get your head around the hows and whys but once you have you will be mixing flavours like you would mix alcohol at a house party, wild and sloppy!
I’m going to start off by using other people’s recipes. Give them a go. Before tinkering. I’ve already got around 20 favourites I’m dying to try. I was going to start off by using those “one shots”. But where’s the fun doing it like that.
I made over 30 recipes my first weekend, all highly-rated recipes from ELR. I’d say that 80% were worth vaping, only 1 was “putrid” and - luckily - several were absolutely delicious.
The one I’m vaping now, Strawberry Cheesecake, was originally too weak to bother vaping. But now, after 3 months of aging, it’s pretty darn tasty. I still wish the flavor was stronger, but I’m quite happy that I went back and tried it again because it is delicious.
I have never dumped a mix.
This is a good reason to have plenty of bottles, you never know how some will taste, and after how long…
Also, your palate may even change some.
Always keep a dripper or two handy to test with…and there are some inexpensive 1:1 clones that work very well.
Build them with some stainless steel coil(s) and they will serve you well, and re-wicking is no chore.
Tip: I like sucralose for a sweetener, but it will gunk the coils fast. I use stevia or Marshmallow now.
From a good friend of mine on ebay:
[plus it comes with a squonk pin (hollow positive pin if needed later]
From Fasttech:
Can also be used for squonking [both of these below]
I use all 4 of these regularly.
Thanks for the advice and the links ozo. I shall look into them. To be honest, I’ve got 2 cleito tanks that I use. I know, I need to upgrade and get with the times.
Yeah I highly recommend the Velocity and Tsunami RDAs. I have 2 of each, and they are nice for testing juices.
Be aware that the juice probably won’t taste the same in a tank vs RDA, but the RDAs are convenient for trying new recipes.
Use what feels right for you, don’t feel pressured into getting something because that’s what everyone else is using, it’s about you and your vape only.
The Cleito is a solid tank, I have a kanger subtank nano that is pretty damn awesome but the SSOCC coils at £15 for 5! I can’t afford to run it, my griffin 25 RTA on the other hand… Little more work and maintenance but well worth it, it’s taught me a thing or two and a “tube” of 10 claptons only cost £7.99!
Do your research and if you can try a tank then I suggest you do it
Happy vaping!
I’m here to learn Scottes777777. Thanks for the advice. i shall look into getting a velocity rda next. They seem to be reasonably priced on the links
I’m thinking of upgrading in a few months grubby. I’ll keep my cleito for work and have a dripper at home. Wait and see. Im still doing my research. I’m in no rush
The only problem testing in tanks is changing juices…it’s a lot more work to clean in between.
Strawberry Peach Menthol.
vanilla bean icecream… only made it yesterday mind but its a great success so far
@ozo at the risk of my short term memory failing me again let me ask you this. Have you ever had the Capella Golden Pineapple? If so can you compare the taste of them to each other and to that good old canned pineapple of old with the heavy syrup in the can.