First RDA recommendations

New to DIY and currently using a Geekvape M100 mod so thinking maybe it’s time to buy my first RDA even if it’s just used for flavour testing, looking for something nice and simple, I usually vape 12mg nic @ 50/50, any advice or recommendations would be greatly appreciated, thank you


Welcome Snowie glad to see ya and give you my 2p worth
Firstly your going to have to drop your Nic level and pull up your vg unless you go mouth mtl
Damm vape nitrious would be my 1st recommendation gives you single coil and a duel coil cap all in one box it’s a dl rda easy to build
Mtl -I’d have a look for a besrker but your better off with a tank rta for that with your higher NIC .
And don’t forget in your way down the Hole with us all OHMS LAW
Makes life safe and fun enjoy


Thanks for the advice, yeah would need to be mtl I reckon not ready to reduce nic lvl yet I don’t think, been vaping for 2 months after a 30 year smoking habit certainly one of the best changes I have ever made


Thing is when using an RDA you vaporize more liquid so you dont need as much nicotine. Of course that depends on the RDA and what you are using now.

My favorite RDA is the Elder Dragon but they are hard to get unless you dont mind ordering from Greece. It is a single coil RDA and it is incredible easy to build and wick. For a first i would suggest a single coil device.

Back in the day when i switched from the shitty tanks we had to an RDA i went from 12mg to 6mg over night, literally. That was an IGO-W4 which still kicks ass today, for flavor.

So my question is, what device are you using now?

EDIT: Congrats on quitting smoking! I smoked for over 30 years too, the day i got a real vape was the day i quit smoking and have had a smoke since, its been over 10 years now, i think.


At the minute I’m using a Geekvape M100 Aegis Mini 2 mod with a Z Nano 2 tank


Well, if you can handle 12mg on that setup you can probably handle it in a single coil RDA at lower wattages. I run some kind of 316L tri core alien @ .25ohms on either a tube mech or regulated mod around 24 watts with 2mg nic.


Thank you, I’m surprised how easy the switch over has been, I certainly don’t miss the taste of the ciggies lol thank you for all your help so far


I’m using nic salts at the minute so less harsh I guess, I’m currently vaping Red Astaire @ 20 Watts on a 0.6 coil


Stinks mess with ya flavour that’s what stopped me not looked back but I would drop to 6 mlg on dl but still vape your 12 as well on that tank you’ve got
Now you need another mod more Shinny things coming :joy:


If the clones are even close that stuff sounds delicious. And help is what we are here for, feel free to ask away.


I second the Elder Dragon but as stated above they are currently only found in Greece.

Your device can hold up to a 24mm RDA. I recommend a single coil for your first. I am not a fan of the ones that are single/dual coil where you plug one side to do single coil. The only ones I have really liked are dedicated single coil. On those thoughts I recommend the Asmodus C4 RDA. The C4 might be a little hard to find but I bet it’s available in more than one store in Greece :joy:. Really, get both so you have one ready to use while you service the other.

Like they say, drop the nic level to 8mg/ml or 6 for DTL RDA. Besides, nic is the most expensive component. RDA gives you more nic intake per draw, better flavor, more control, and easy cotton change and coil cleaning.


Red Astaire dam nice raspberry liq menthol type of berry blast


Thank you, it’s appreciated, I shall have a look in to both of them


I was going to recommend the Asmodus Oni-one RDA but it seems it was never sold separately from the Spruza Squonk kit. The Oni-one is a great RDA!


Thats what you should figure out imo…There are great Rdas for just testing and unless your gonna squonk those rdas are a pain in the ass for a out and about rda.

Easy to get rdas

Nitrous and mongrel are good ones

Elder Dragon , any Psyclone rda but these are harder to get .

One i have seen lately that i want to get is an Alexa Rda…


I have read that the Asmodus Blank is a very good single coil RDA. I can’t recommend it personally because I have never tried one.

There are more 22mm single coil RDA’s. You can look around for the 22mm.


Could read: RDA - Magma RDA From Paradigm | E-Cigarette Forum


I’d say for a first rda try to get a hold of the original Recurve by Wotofo. A nice 25mm single coil with great airflow and flavor. My second recommendation would be the Recurve v2 by Wotofo. Both really easy builds and wicks. The Dead Rabbit was actually my first rda, I still love it 3 years later. For mesh, I’d suggest trying to find the original Profile rda, it’s mesh and has great flavor. Just thought I’d chime in with a few of my first rda’s and what was enjoyable for me. Happy vaping!


I love my Mongrels! I had a custom coil made specifically for the rda- love it! Damn Vape actually sent me 3 different color caps bc I was ordering a few of the colors, so they threw in the rest of the colors caps…subway edition :slight_smile:


I recommend the Alexa S.24. Really nice flavor and single coil on a 24mm deck. If you’re looking for something more on the smaller size (18mm), dual coil with a ton of flavor, look at the Boomstick Reaper. It’s tiny and you’re limited to basic round wire builds but its a very surprising RDA (IMHO).