Fix your Imren K8 charger

I have had an 8 bay Imren K8 charger for while now. I like most everything about it, except if you arent careful when removing the batteries, the little silver plate that is connected to a spring snaps back and the spring comes off. So, slowly but surely, your 8 bay charger becomes a 7 bay, then a six, etc. When mine got down to four, I started cutting up little pieces of foam to act as the “spring” and my charger looked like Rocky Balboa after the fight in Rocky 2.
Eventually one day, the plastic back fell off, and I was staring at all the springs that had disconnected, yet still connected on one end. I took a pair of tweezers and used them to reconnect the springs, and now I have an 8 bay charger again. I realize this is a very niche post, and many people would have just gone and bought another charger. I like making things work for as long as I can.
So if even one person out there has this c

harger, and my post can help them be as happy as I am right now, it was worth sharing.


@Chef_Johnny great job on McGiver’ing that back into action. I don’t own that model, and from what I read, you said it was mostly the springs that had come off. As you know, that CAN be easily repaired.

I would like to CAUTION everyone, to be CAREFUL if/when you are attempting repairs. Battery charges DO push a lot of current (relative), and just be careful, because worst case, they CAN be a fire hazard if they are very damaged.

Beyond loose springs, clips, tabs, etc., if you are in doubt, replace it.


If your battery charger isn’t working 100% then it definitely should be replaced with a new one. They’re reasonably cheap these days and safety is number 1 when charging and using batteries :+1:


You are right!
When mine stops working properly I will be sure to replace it!
It works great!

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