Flavor Artists Flavors Reviewed by SessionDrummer -- Testing Now!

Maybe I’m dating myself. We used to call it piffing when a group of vapers start a pay it forward (pif) movement. It starts with a box of vape stuff from one person who sends it to the next person who takes something out and puts something in. The box travels around the country always changing with what people put in. It can be fun until people start putting in junk in exchange for an expensive mod, for example. Then people get pissed off, haha. If done right, it gives everyone a chance to try something new without spending money (except for the shipping cost). I made a typo, it’s one f, not two.


Well if EC Blends Caramel Cappuccino is that good, then I highly recommend trying Flavor Artist’s coffee flavors. It’s that good, imo.


I forgot that I had that one. Guess I’ll have to give it a try. I recommend any of the espressos, but not the coffee with cream


I miss the PIF on ECF. It was fun



@ flavor artists the 2.39 is for certain flavors like Whiskey which probably aren’t as popular. And comes in a 5ml size.


Bavarian Cream (Flavor Artists) 3.0% / 4.0% (10-5-24) – FIRST ONE on deck with this new (to me) MFG. I started out at 3.0%, and I wanted to see if increasing it to 4.0% saturated it any more, and it did, but only somewhat, so 3.0-3.5% might be the upper SFT range on this one. This one was really good, and interestingly so. It tasted like a very smooth, clean Bavarian Cream, with no burnt overtones that I get from a few of the other BC’s. Very creamy, with some custard elements, but sans any heavy egg notes. The smoothness was harder to define but it was obvious from beginning to end. I also got hints of a light whipped cream thrown in as well.

At the higher weight it was very creamy, and had some good mouthfeel. There was also an interesting caramel-y undertone that seemed to bridge all of the notes together. After 3 testers, I couldn’t nit pick any complaints out of it, and actually blew through all of the bottle before I realized it. If your current BC has left you wanting, this smooth, caramel-y one might just work out for you. Rating it very high, at a 9.6/10.


Blueberry Cheesecake Flavor Artists) 3.0% (10-9-24) – My first thought on this one was, “Wow, this is the WHOLE package”. Yes, it was. Most times one of the big three always seems to be missing, i.e. Blueberries, Crust, Filling. This one was surprisingly rich and full at 3% with no need to increase. The blueberry was nice and jammy, with some nice tart pectin notes. The filling was very tasty, creamy, and leaned towards the “sweet and smooth” as opposed to the “tart and sour” side, but with just enough sour lower in the mix to sell it. The crust finished out the flavor, and had some nice bakery weight to it, and it was graham centered.

All in, it really did cover ALL the bases, and did it well. At 3.0% it was damned good, strong, creamy, and delicious. No off-notes to be found, and sweetness was just below mid-level. FA did a good job of contructing this as you could really taste all of the elements, instead of being blurred together. The crust and cheesecake filling were about even in strength, with the blueberry falling slightly behind. It wasn’t lacking the blueberries, but if you wanted it more in the front, you could easily spike it up. It was so well put together, I couldn’t pick a favorite part. Only slight “wish” would have been for a smidge more BB, but, only a smidge. Rating it high (again), as it was too good not to, and leaving it at a solid 9.0/10.


And the 10 MLS are usually how much? Why should popularity influence the price? That doesn’t seem like business as usual.


Most of the 10ml are 3.95 which if they stand up to what I’ve heard so far that seems like a fair price. I’m waiting to see what the professor (SD) has to say before taking the plunge and buying anything.


FWIW, as someone who doesn’t really care for dropper bottles, theirs are of really good quality, compared to say OOO. I’ve found that I’m more apt to use one that doesn’t fall apart :sunglasses:


Hehe, I hear you @McDuckie. So far, the first two were damned good. We’ll see.


@robrrt1 they do appear to be above average droppers. 7 out of the 13 I got came in them.

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Butterscotch Apple Pie (Flavor Artists) (CC) 3.0% (10-6-24) – This flavor was the FIRST from the Creme Collection (CC) that I tested, so I did want to see what was what with it. My first thought on this one was, “Did they try and do TOO much with this one”. OK, sounds dire, but not really, as it was a GREAT apple pie flavor, with just about everything you would want, great tart-ish apple pie filling, and crust. Now I got SOME butterscotch, but not a lot, and there WAS indeed an overall very creamy-ness to this one. Was it too much in one flavor ?? Hard to say.

The creamy-ness was actually very good, and present, and worked to soften the overall flavor, and bathe it in, you guessed it, a nice creamery bath. I didn’t get an ice cream, or a whipped cream, but more of a fairly neutral creamy carrier that the apple pie rode on. At 3.0% it was very good, and full, and there were no off-notes to complain about. My only wants would have been maybe a little more butterscotch, and possibly tamping down the cream just a smidge, to let the pie show through better. NOW, with that said, I DID buy it from the “Creme Collection”, so keep that in mind. Sweetness was just at about mid-level, and it WAS hard to put down. For my tastes, the apple pie filling, and crust were the show stoppers here. I had to blow through 3 tanks before even trying to figure out a rating, as it was one of the better apple pies I’ve had, but with my two aforementioned wants. I finally decided to leave it JUST south of a 9, at an 8.9/10, and that was ONLY for my wants, as this was one of the better flavors so far in this series.


Caramel Macchiato (Flavor Artists) 3.0% (10-6-24) – I remembered @robrrt1 saying Flavor Artists Espressos were good, so I was anxious to get into this one, my FIRST coffee-ish flavor from FA. It smelled great in the bottle, and that DID continue when testing. The fairly dark Espresso notes were basically spot on, with a deep rich, dark roasted flavor, NOT to be confused for a coffee. It even had a touch of acidity that really authenticated it, even more. As with most macchiatos I did get a little vanilla cream from this one, hiding underneath the delicious layer of Caramel. The two were blended really well, and I couldn’t fully pick them apart for deeper analysis. Underneath all of that, was a creamy milk undertone, which was the carrier for all of the aforementioned notes.

Very well designed, and ratio’d, with everything being about exactly where it needed to be in the mix. At 3.0% it was pretty full, and I did catch myself wondering if a little more, would BE more, but, hehe, I blew through all of the testers before I knew it (always a good sign), and never got to try a higher mix rate. Needless to say, it was damned tasty at 3.0%. No off-notes, and it did present as very natural and authentic, with sweetness coming in a few ticks below mid-level. As an added bonus, the espresso note lingered, which was nice. I could find no issues or complaints, with maybe wanting a smidge more, as my only want. Leaving this very high at a 9.6/10.


Cherry Swirl (Flavor Artists) 3.0% (10-6-24) – To this day, every time I test a cherry, I prepare for the worst. Some are just bad, medicinal, soapy, and worse. The GREAT news was, this one, was NONE of them !!! This one was great right out of the gate. I could tell from the first moment it was going to be a keeper, and that it had something special going on. Even at 3.0%, there were NO off-notes, or squirrel-y-ness with this one. OK, what it was, was a medley OF different cherries, which was VERY interesting. I wasn’t sure what they meant by “Swirl”, but apparently different cherries swirled together. I could def. pick out a Maraschino, Red, and White, yes, swirled together. Fresh, punchy, and very natural tasting. Again, NO medicinal, or soapy-ness to be found.

I couldn’t pick the three cherries apart, but as a whole, they simply worked. Sweetness was just at about mid-level, and at 3.0% it was very good, and didn’t feel like it needed more. The combinated profiles really worked together, and while still being able to pick them out, did created a unique Cherry experience. Because it straddled multiple cherries, it shold be able to be used in a lot of different mixes. Not only was the medley a surprise, there was a nice tart kicker on the finish that sealed the deal. If you like cherries, you may wan to check this little gem out. No wants, wishes, or complaints, leaving this VERY high (especially for a cherry), at a 9.8/10.


Damn, I must be a real espressohead. I’ve never even considered using this one without more espresso base on top :grin:


@robrrt1 remember that I’m only testing it as a single flavor, and not as a finished mix, etc. As the CM faired, solo, pretty good. Now, that doesn’t mean tweaking it would break it either, LOL.

Explain. You typically layer more Espresso on top ?


Yeah, this just never struck me as strong on the espresso note, as much as a good caramel. Now you got me wanting to play with it some more :sunglasses:


well i wouldn’t call it a screaming Espresso, but it still held its own in the flavor. Everyone’s tastes differ, so if you want/wanted a heavier Espresso note, clearly you could boost it, like you have been, or did.

The blending seemed really good to my tastes.