Peaches and Pear (Flavor Artists) (CC) 2.0%/3.0%/4.0% (10-13-24) – You may have noticed I tested this one across 3 different strengths. I started out at 3.0%, and it tasted great, but was somewhat weak, and shortlived then testing, meaning, the flavor came on fairly quickly, then was quickly gone. Thinking I had overflavored it, I re-mixed lower @ 2.0%, and it was roughly the same, only weaker. Finally I bumped it to 4.0% just to see, and it did get stronger, but was still had a very short half-life. This appears to be what it is/was. Tasting it from the bottle, it tasted REALLY good, but when testing, something just didn’t translate as well, when atomizing, and that’s a shame. To clarify, it was still good, just came on strong, then was gone, very quickly.
It tasted like a nice yellow peach, with some good juicy-ness, and a fresh pair. The two fruits tasted very natural, and quite juicy, with no candied, or artificial notes, which worked in this flavor. There was also a fairly present creamery note which the two fruits rode on, which did keep it creamy, but the fruits were still on top of the profile. With the fruits and cream, the 3 paired very well, and none felt overpowered, or weak in comparison. No off-notes, or complaints, except for the rapid onset, then dissolution. No all flavors vaporize the same. Assuming that was the case here, the saturation and flavor at 3.0%, and 4.0% was pretty damned good. After giving up trying to figure out why it dissipated so quickly, I decided to not take off too heavily for that, as the freshness and accuracy of the two fruits, WAS quite good, and accented by the creamery. Finally decided to leave it at a 8.5/10.