Flavor Artists Flavors Reviewed by SessionDrummer -- Testing Now!

Could it be muting of the fruits due to the creamy nature of the flavor? I know I’ve created a lot of fruit and cream mixes in the past where the fruits had a strong presence in the beginning and after a few days they got muted once the creams blossomed.


@McDuckie I mean it COULD be, but I figured since they created the “Creme Collection” they had it worked out !!!

It is possible. I’ve only tested 3 so far, and if so, it was the only one thus far.


For a while, the only peach flavor I had was Emily’s Peaches & Cream one shot and I haven’t given that one the love it deserves :grin:

I did recently pick up some more of the fruit Bavarian creams, including Peach and thought I would make an all (mostly) FAR recipe using that handy dandy fruit pairing chart. I’m going to make some slight adjustments here, but it’s rockin’

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Brandy (Flavor Artists) 3.0% (10-13-24) – Having had good brandy before, I could try and compare this with that, even though it’s been a while. After 3 testers I was no closer to figuring out what “type” of brandy it was, or whether it was grape based, or fruit based, BUT, hehe, it was good. It had some light(er) alcohol notes which gave it a little bite, but maybe only a 4/10 on the strength scale for the alcohol portion. Still good, and added to the authenticity of it. It had a moderately rich body to it, which carried over after the vape, which was nice. Sweetness was pretty close to authentic, at a tick or two below mid-level, but after my third tester, I decided it might have been just a TOUCH too sweet, but only a little.

At 3.0% it was perfect strength wise, with no needs for more. No off-notes, sour-ness, or bitter, and about my only want, would have been maybe a little more of the alcohol, just to “spice” it up another notch. All in, having never vape tested a brandy, this one was a good one to start with, and with only one small complaint, I left it fairly high at a 9.1/10.


Strawberries and Coconut Flavor Artists) (Creme Collection) 3.0% (10-13-24) – This, the last one from the Creme Collection in this series with the SB and Coconut. My main take-away on this one was how the flavor wandered around when testing, with sometimes the SB’s taking the lead, and others the coconut. VERY interesting. I’ve mixed up tons of tropical Strawberry and Coconut mixes, but have never achieved this result, so hats off to Flavor Artists for that. Strawberries, Coconuts, and Cream IS what you got with tis one. As stated, it interestingly meandered around, which really kept it interesting. The SB was juicy, red, and ripe, and the coconut was mostly natural, and more of a flake type, and the entire mix was riding on top of, you guessed it, and nice creamery cream.

I say creamery, because it wasn’t a dense, rich cream, nor a milk, but more of a blending of the two. It worked to richen up the mix, but not overly dull some of the bright punchy notes of the SB’s. The coconut seemed to blend INTO the cream a little more than the SB. Def. had a tropical vibe, but much more than a simple SB and Cream mix. Surprising how good 3 simple elements can be. At 3.0% if was perfectly strong, no off-notes, and about 3 ticks below mid-level sweet, and at times, I almost wanted it a little sweeter if you can believe it, but kudos to them for not dosing this one too much. All in, an interesting SB, Coconut, Cream combo that almost (but not quite) took on a completely new overall profile. Nicely paired, and leaving it high at a 9.7/10.


I’d forgotten they had the Bavarian Line.


Toasted Vanilla Marshmallow (Flavor Artists) 3.0% (10-13-24) – LAST ONE on deck in this, the first series from Flavor Artists. Being a huge Smore’s lover, I’m always on the prowl for new Marshmallows. This one didn’t disappoint. It presented as more of a dry marshmallow as opposed to a gooey, sticky one. Nice mallow flavor, with some hints of vanilla, and a nice toasted undertone. Mouthfeel was a little light, but still present. No burnt edges, but really more of a lightly toasted-ness. At 3.0% it was very full, and semi-rich, with no squirrel-y off-notes to complain about.

Sweetness was just below mid-level, and it worked here. All in, a pretty good toasted MM with hints of vanilla, and about my only “want” would have been some increased richness and added mouthfeel, to really seal the deal. As it stood, those were about the only issues. With the two minor wants, it felt good at an 8.75/10.


They also had a now-discontinued Banana. Knuckleheads.

Sounds like someone’s going back for seconds :grin:


I’ve got that one, I love it.


If you go to the EC Blend site, you can read the reviews by the people. Besides, it is the same price and EC Blends has a little bit more for flavor offerings like Mango 2.0.
P.S. Their Blueberry Pomegranate is fantastic so I recommend picking that up. Also their Horchata is great. I love their Tropical Blend, too, but that is just because I love flavors like that, and the Bahama Mama is decent.


I’m wondering about the Irish cream aspect of the coffee liqueur Irish cream flavor did Irish cream seem authentic? Or was the blending of the two harder to distinguish between. I should just order a bottle of Flavor Artists Irish cream to try it. I’ve tried every other on out there and all of them have fallen short of an authentic IC.


The perfect blending made it hard to pull them apart.


Without having done a SFT, I’d say it is best comparable to TFA, but not quite as “heavy”


Ah thank you that saves me a purchase. As both TPA‘s were my least favorite Irish Creams.


Maybe this is why we’re building it from scratch :rofl:


Thanks for taking the time to read these reviews. It was a new flavor house for me, and with the ones I picked, they were pretty good. I either chose ones that were recommended, or the top sellers on the Flavor Artists website. I can see picking up some bigger bottles of the good ones, and I might even run a 2nd series on them.


Bavarian Cream (Flavor Artists) 9.6/10
Blueberry Cheesecake (Flavor Artists) 9.0/10
Brandy (Flavor Artists) 9.1/10
Butterscotch Apple Pie (Flavor Artists)(CC) 8.9/10
Caramel Macchiato (Flavor Artists) 9.6/10
Cherry Swirl (Flavor Artists) 9.8/10
Coconut (Flavor Artists) 9.0/10
Coconut Cream Pie (Flavor Artists) 6.0/10
Coffee Liqueur and Irish Cream (Flavor Artists) 9.5/10
Dulce de Leche (Flavor Artists) 5.0/10
Fruity Cereal (Flavor Artists)(CC) 9.9/10
Juicy Watermelon (Flavor Artists) 9.1/10
Peach (Flavor Artists) 6.5/10
Peaches and Pear (Flavor Artists) 8.5/10
Strawberries and Coconut (Flavor Artists)(CC) 9.7/10
Toasted Vanilla Marshmallow (Flavor Artists) 8.75/10


We always look forward to your reviews.


I appreciate that @McDuckie. It’s a hard line to walk some of the time, but I like doing them. I always try to encourage more people to do them as well. The more the better. :slight_smile:

I"m glad @robrrt1 mentioned this brand, as I’d never heard of them, and that’s ALWAYS a good thing.


Looks like they’re getting ready for the traffic you’re going to bring :sunglasses:

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