Im not sure you can sort by date added , of course you can enter the date into your flavor notes for that flavor …Its not a bad idea . I am also not sure what it would take to achieve that from the programming end @daath would be the best person for that answer
There is no novelty option for flavours - I must admit to being confused as to why it would be useful. Novelty is @SessionDrummer’s domain with SFTs around here.
@Ericsgreen the stash is not able to be sorted by date.
Getting hard to keep track of, is EXACTLY what I know. Your best bet, it to setup a simple spreadsheet. You can track everything you want to, quantity, purchase date, even notes if you need to.
As my stash grew, the ONLY way I could sort both on my racks and in the spreadsheets was by MFG first, then alphabetical.
Ah thnx, I do have all packing slips for every order I’ve made, to add the flavors into elr, so I guess I have a date for them
still it’d be a nice function to have in the personal and flavor lists, easier to track what’s newly made and newly acquired. It’s gotten much harder to see what I’ve used, what sft etc, and when I get a few orders at once, to keep track of what’s newer and wants to be sampled