Hi, was away from mixing for a while, trying to find/remember the e liquid supplier that had recipies on site and allowed you to shop by recipie.
Pretty much lost everything last year (all supplies access to my accounts, etc.trying to find this site as they had a couple recipies I was quite fond of.
Hello, was it https://www.bullcityflavors.com/
If so, you can use code ELRECIPES for 6% off.
Awesome thanks, tried to go there from the link in resources and it didnt come up…got it now tho.
Welcome to the community.
Welcome and glad you joined.
Might want to look at an example of all the recipes you can make with Cheesecake (Graham Crust) - The Flavor/Perfumer’s Apprentice.
I think ELF has a greater range than any one vendor or manufacturer.
@DddyD Glad you joined us. Lots of good info here and a lot of fine folks in this community. Have fun mixing juices that tickle your taste buds.
Appreciate you guys, former member/mixer, getting back into things after losing all.
Big vapes, Big Life
Check out Voltrove and Fogsmith groups on FB.