Thank you very much @natbone, I really appreciate it.
Yes, yes, and MORE yes. Here’s what’s sitting next to me RIGHT NOW.
(2) SC Aromamizer v.1 (the RDTA v.1 that I use for testing), one with the Flavor Jungle flavors I’m testing, the other with a prototype I’m working on. (1) SC Supreme v.2 with my ADV, blueberries, custard, graham, cream. (1) SC RDTA v.2 6ml with my S’mores submission from the recent contest.
Yes, I may HAVE an SC problem.
BUT, as they say, “It’s not the DRUGS that kills ya, it’s the LOOKING for drugs that does” !!!
As long as my considerable SC hoard holds up, hehe, I think I’ll be ok.
Lastly, but not least important, YES. When I FIRST started back in 2017 (I think), with the RFSC’s I briefly didn’t use NIC, but I had TWO thoughts. The first was, even though I vape, and test DTL @ 3mg, something just felt “different” or “missing” with the NIC left out. The second was, what sense did it make to test without NIC, when most of us would be using flavors WITH NIC !!! Test it like you use it Nat, that’s what I settled on.
Thanks for your kind words, AND questions. If you (or anyone else) has any, hit me, I’ve got more answers at the ready.