Flavor Testing. The Lab, The Equipment, The Criteria

I know THAT feeling @muth. It’s ALL fun and games the 1st or 2nd time, BUT, after that, hehe, … it isn’t.

Great point(s).

Thank you, AND, thank you.

I know for myself (maybe not everyone), the larger my list grows, it CAN be hard(er) to keep ALL of it intact LOL.

Hehe, no @muth. The Fame and Money, right ?? It was sooo long ago, I’m never 100% sure, but I’m fairly certain, I was working on a recipe or profile with someone, could have been @Fozzy71, maybe @AZ_Jeep, but Real Flavors had just blown up, and we were all gaga over them, and I shared some of my (very bad) notes, with the (accidental) scoring left intact, and I started getting a lot of feedback. @Walt_RealFlavors was very involved, but I don’t remember any FREE flavors flowing. Maybe a sampe here or there, but it was all self funded. After the great feedback or thanks kept coming, it’s like I knew that people just wanted to see the notes, and I started doing it more.

As far as in house, I think I blame @MysticRose hehe. Her reviews motivated me. I really liked @ConcreteRiver’s reviews, but felt the format was to involved for most mixers, despite them being rock solid, detailed, and all encompassing.

I did look around a bit to see who else was doing it, and there weren’t very many. Some of the reviews I saw were VERY involved, and just paragraphs and paragraphs about ONE flavor, and I think the reviews were posted one at a time, once a week maybe ?? That seemed like WAY too deep, too much information, and too slow, so I started doing them with much LESS info, faster, and running series at a time, and I tried to keep them consistant, and honest.

Then, as they say, it just continued LOL.

It was never about the free anything, and even with equipment reviews, the amount of time, and effort required, literally REMOVED the FREE from the equation. I’m always hopeful that MORE people will start doing them, if even for themselves, share a couple, and might find that other people like their notes too !!!

Thanks a lot @Muth.


What kind of coils do you use with the Wasp Nano? I’ve never been able to use mine I have the 22mm Nano and it’s really airy even with the airflow almost fully closed it feels like the airflow is completely open. I typically run dual core fused clapton 5 wrap comes out @ .20.


That’s the general coil I used too. It’s a good coil, but on the Wasp, I just couldn’t like any coil I tried. It’s way too airy for my taste and the heated spitback I’d get on it, was annoying AH. Not to mention the whistling.
I ended up PIFing it away.
Hope you find something that’ll work for you.


IIRC my coil was similar to yours. 3mm I think, Airflow about half open with a regular 510 drip tip on top. The coil was visible through the air slots filling half the view. No whistle. Super flavorful even though it was only $10. My main gripes were that juice would pool on top of the areas beside the coil, and those screws were so super tiny.


Well heck, you even reviewed my post :rofl: ! I’m happy to share my thoughts on a flavor but my review would be more like…

“I like it, maybe you will too!” Tada! Heehee


I’m glad to hear you and @McDuckie feel the same way. I bought two of them on a sale and was excited until I used it. I mistakenly took the word nano to mean smaller air and chamber. Not to mention you’re stuck with a proprietary drip tip.


Ooo yes thank you Big_Vape I tossed in a new coil and added a 510 drip tip closed the airflow to 3/4 and we have flavor. I guess adding a drip tip closed off the airflow enough to make it work.


I just use plain old 26g kanthal.
I can certainly obtain restriction with the AFC.


That one I used I don’t even know what material it is. Probably nichrome 80 it is an Omi coil that came with my Asmodus C4. I didn’t realize I was out of coils. Looks like I’ll be spinning a few dozen claptons tomorrow night.


Thx for the tip on the 510 DT. I dug one out and tried it. Much better :+1:


Damn! I never thought to add a 510 tip. Now I wish I still had it. Oh well, spilled milk and errant thoughts…


Yeah, this was an oddity. Everything about it LOOKED good until you tried it. The coil fit snuggled right up to the af holes and the chamber around it was small enough to condense the flavor :woman_shrugging:


Wow, excellent post! Thanks for your time and dedication for posting it here!


Thank you very much @dpaper.


IT didn’t mean that.


Hehe, I thought the same thing @mikser, BUT, I’ll take the compliment anyway. :slight_smile: