I tried to make a purchase from Flavorah tonight and received an error message stating the 20% elrecipes code expired on 5-31-16. Does anyone know any other discount codes?
Strange , I went and tried a trial run.I got an error as well , except mine stated “uses per customer limit exceeded”.
Not sure what is going on , perhaps an email would clear things up ?
I sent Brendan an email and will get back with you when I hear something back.
I know that the coupon code definitely doesn’t work with large/wholesale volumes.
Did you ever hear back from Brendan, JoJo? Just went to make an order (all 15ml size bottles), but ELRECIPES nor ELR work for a discount.
Ope… looks like the elrecipes20 coupon also expired, couple of days ago:
Invalid Coupon
Your coupon is not valid!
Date range is invalid (6/13/2015 - 12/29/2016)
ELRECIPES20 should work again. Also, it has been changed so each user can use it 3 times (from 1 time previously)…
Sweet, thanks!! 3x usage is pretty great
I used my ELRECIPES20
3 times…any more codes ??