Flavoring And Wax Concentrate

That sounds more like a concentrate issue, I’m assuming your using bho? Has it been winterized? Sizzling sounds like residual water or butane left in an improperly purged extract…what was the horrible taste like? I’m a couple years separated from the ganja world but I had a lot of experience when I quit lol


Yes but I’m not sure why a joint would be looked at as unsafe, other than obviously putting smoke into your lungs. Aside from that Shatter is a totally different ballgame from joints. It’s kind of like the NET of weed.

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I’ve never used carts. Just old protanks. How are you thinning it?

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Mostly because it is combusting, it still produces cancer causing agents just not at the levels commercial tobacco does.

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Of course. Which is why I said “…other than obviously putting smoke into your lungs.” Sorry. I totally misinterpreted your meaning.

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