Flavors are no longer added to stash by adapt/create recipe

Hey guys,

I haven’t had much time to work en ELR, just some small tweaks here and there. This tweak I feel you should be informed about: Flavors are no longer added to stash by adapt/create recipe - only when you manually add flavors to your stash on your stash page.

Happy vaping!


You just made a bunch of people very happy. :wink: Thanks @daath…you’re amazing.


Woot! And yay x a bazillion!

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Why do you get a choice between TFA and TPA when you type in your flavor, are they not the same company? And TPA has more mix numbers, I’m confused.

@daath is my hero today!!

They are the same company, but people refer to them differently when naming their flavors, causing the confusion. The ‘correct’ way to name their flavors on ELR is to use TPA (and as a side note it is what TPA requests people use on their website). TPA stands for The Perfumer’s Apprentice (the parent/main company) and TFA stands for The Flavor Apprentice (for their ‘edible’ flavors).


Thank you JoJo, I entered all mine with TPA because it showed more recipes.

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