Flavors coming out peppery

I am having some trouble with the TPA Strawberry (ripe) as I get quite a peppery taste from it, even at pretty low percent. I can taste the “pepper” in such degree I even feel my lips burning from it.

My one brain cell thinks it recalls other members writing about flavors giving a peppery taste, but I can’t seem to find it. Maybe we can collect a few of them in this thread? Do we know why some flavors are like this? Does any of the flavors loose the peppery by steep? Is there any trick to move around it and still use them? For example.


Usually it’s the nic that gives a peppery taste. I’ve never heard of a flavoring doing it… but that’s just me. What’s the lowest percentage you’ve tried?


I use Strawberry Ripe all the time and other than some weakness of flavor it’s always nice. Usually if you get a peppery taste to ejuice the cause is the nicotine quality. Try making up your recipe with no nicotine and see if you still get peppery taste. If you do not it is the nicotine. If you do, maybe your sb ripe is bad…

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@ffrank @ringling I vape 0 mg, so it’s probably not the nic in this case. I get the pepper even at ca 2 %, but it gets worse as the percent goes up. I’m sure I’ve read something about this - maybe with a vanilla of some sort? :thinking: Anyway, thanks for tip!


Agreed with the previous two. Normally strawberry ripe tpa is pretty good. The most likely culprit is your nic…like a hot spot.

Therefore. Try mixing a recipie without nic. And try a recpie with just nic. Make sure you really shake the hell out of you nic and flavor concentrate.

If your mix was without nic. I would ask what was the recpie you were mixing with? Percents and all.

But…maybe you are the one out of a million strawberry ripe tpa isn’t good for you.

To answer @ffrank I know of a few flavors that may give a bad flavor or pepper type hit. One of those is one of the ice cream flavors…I think it’s from cap.

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So there we might have another one!

I vape nic free, so that’s not it. I get it in all juices using the ripe, even store bought and in other’s mixes, so it cant be just my bottle either.

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Most of us around here will mix SB Ripe with other company’s strawberry. I use half SB Ripe and half Strawberry (FW). You can then maybe use Bavarian Cream or Cheesecake or a light Vanilla as you said. Also add some marshmallow 1-2%. Truth be told I have never tried SB Ripe as a standalone, maybe it is peppery that way…

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I’ve actually never tried it SA, and I also use Shisha and Cap, cheesecake and marshmallow, but the taste comes through. I can taste the round body of the strawberry also, so I can sense it’s a nice one underneath the pepper. I think I’m just a lost cause in this and will use my other ones instead. Thank you so much for trying to help!


Lost causes suck. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Maybe just the combo of strawberry to creams isn’t agreeing with you.

What is the exact recpie are you mixing?

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As I said I experience this with all receipes that containes ripe, even those I’ve bought in stores, but lets tex take theese two:

Dragonfruit 8 %
Ripe 4 %
Sweet cream 6 %

Cheesecake GC 5 %
Ripe 4 %
Marshmellow 1 %

And then I have tweaked and subbed and supplied with other strawberries as I’ve lowered the ripe. Tried it with Fuji, with Banana cream, with Bavarian cream, Fresh cream, blueberries etc. Same peppery no matter what.

Have to get some sleep, it’s nearly morning here :see_no_evil:

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You might be remembering me telling of buying a bad 10ml Strawberry Ripe. These Vendors that repackage are buying huge quantities (55 Gal drums/5L Cubes?) and portioning them off into smaller bottles. If not completely mixed during this repackaging you will get a bad 10ml. I recommend you buy a 30ml (1 oz) or larger …and I discovered a completely different flavor (oh it was supposed to be the same SB Ripe). It looks like it’s in alot of your recipes maybe even a 4 oz. bottle wouldn’t be unwise. I also buy the factory bottles (costs a little more) when available.


White chocolate TFA

Both of these will taste like pepper prior to steeping for me. I haven’t had SB Ripe taste like that thou.

Since it happens to you w/ retail juice as well that contains SB Ripe I’d say you just don’t agree w/ it. However tastes change over time maybe it will change in your favor the next time around :smile:

Luckily for you , you still can taste SB Shisha !


That could have been it, but as I can taste it in others juices as well I guess it isn’t just my bottle - although its a repacaged one. Thanks for helping.

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I hope you are right, in the meantime it will do with other strawberries. :grinning:

Great to have listed two more pepperish, and wonderful to know it goes away with steeping. So then threre is three flavors that we do know of may cause this and a lot of good advice to follow if anybody has the same problem.


Aww heck, it’s just a little pepper on a Strawberry, what’s wrong with that? Yum…:wink:


I have had a similar peppery taste from SB ripe, try vaping it at lower wattage or letting it steep a little longer.

The vanilla bean ice cream also gives me a peppery taste.


Guess it’s wrong to say I’m glad to hear you had the same taste… :slight_smile:️ Lower wattage is an option I absolute will try! Thank you!


Totally random but I’m sure I’ve read somewhere (recipe book enthusiast) that putting black pepper on strawberries brings out their flavour…maybe there’s a teeny bit of black pepper in the concentrate that some of us notice and others don’t…:thinking:


When I get pepper, I blame St. Nick.


i get peppery taste with a lot of juices - tracked it down and it’s not the nic - here’s what i found out maybe this helps

  • i was steeping my juice wrong. in couple of cases, i used hot water-bath and the temp was too hot. something happens to the VG and some specific flavors in the mix (of course the nic as well if it’s not 0) - they don’t like too much heat. i had a similar experience also when i tried steeping in the microwave (only few seconds) - i could see that the juice viscosity looks very different - more oily even after it cools down. i stopped doing both. now steeping in a box in the closet. no heat.

  • as mentioned above, if my gear/coils are not in good shape. vaping with temp too high, or coils need changing - tank needs cleaning, need re-wicking (burnt part of the wick or coil is not well-wrapped)… etc - even certain drip-tips will cause this and i started changing all to a specific type that works for me.

  • coil wire type: i wasn’t able to vape with Ni200 or Ti or Nichrome (tried 60 & 80). i always had an off taste with these wires. i got happy with SS 304 or 316, and every time i get curious again, i just come back to SS. maybe try changing your coil wire - see if that makes a difference. it’s said some people can “taste” certain metals in their vape.

  • using too much of a certain flavor, especially some of the creams (calibrate mixing gear)

few variables, but i’m sure you’ll figure it out… let us know what you discover.