Every time I try to add the flavor “Poire conférence (solubarome)” in a recipe, it writes “Poire conférence” in the flavor box instead of writing the name of the flavor with the é accent. And if I don’t correct it and save, the site redirects me to the flavor “Poire conférence”
Any way to fix that, or is is a glitch with how the site handles accents?
I feel your pain! I can’t use the “&” symbol when naming things either… and I don’t even want to go into the explaination of what I have to do to merge recipes, notes, and flavor names so that they appear under the same flavor title!
However, this is such a first world problem, I’ll shut my vape hole now…
…just glad to have a recipe site as good as ELR is, as it stands. (Silver Lining)