I ordered two Flavorah concentrates from Flavour Concentrates.com (UK) back in April 12 to be shipped to US. Tracking the shipment it has gone from UK to Chicago, then New York, now it appears to be going back to UK. I have tried multiple times to make contact to no avail. Has anyone else in the US ordered from Flavour Concentrates.com and actually received their shipment or am I screwed?
Any advice is appreciated.
UPDATE: It appears my order was returned to UK due to courier stated recipient address unknown. After further investigation the courier screwed up and sent my order to Piedmont, South Carolina instead of the intended address of Piedmont, Oklahoma. Flavor Concentrates agreed a full refund is due me. I was able to procure Smoky Blue’s entire Flavorah stash which did have some Apricot but no Sweet Cigarette so am still looking for this Flavor.
Sweet Cigarette and Apricot, the US distributors (at least al the ones I looked at) are trimming down their Flavorah selection. Not one distributor that I am aware of carry all FLV concentrates. I wish FLV would go back to selling to general public.
Shitty, i just checked several sites and no Apricot flv, its in my wifes adv.
That does look like the right number. And if you cant get satisfaction do a charge back on your credit card. And please keep us informed.
EDIT: I just checked through my FLV collection and no sweet ciggy, sorry.
I too wish they would go back to selling directly to the consumer, i think we will see a lot of this in the future and not just with flv. In the beginning many of us just ordered direct from the manufacturer but i just went on Caps site and they only sell large size or large quantity.
Hey G-Daddy, I’m in the UK and happy to help with chasing these guys up on the phone for you. Their line’s open Mon-Fri and the number is legit.
I had a look on trust pilot and they must be a young company because there’s only one review, but at least it’s a good one.
Let me know if I can help…