Flavour Labz uk

Hi All you mixers, I am looking for a little help here, I recently picked up 4 bottles of Flavour Labz oneshot concentrates in a newly open vape shop vape shop in Penzance, Cornwall , apparently the manufacturer has stopped mixing for the foreseeable future, and their website is down . Has anyone used these before and do you know the flavour profiles or know where I can find them. I was told the mixing ratio is 20% which is pretty standard. The flavours are Medusa, Thor, Loki, and Hydra, I think they have also traded under the label of Mythical mists. Thanks in andvance


Looks like they have a FB page @jude27 …maybe message them on there? It’s not a brand I’ve ever come across :grin:


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There’s no description but they’re still available from Cornish Liquids.