Flavour stash

Hi every one I’ve quit smoking for the last four weeks after 30 years thanks to vaping. And this now as started to become my hobby. As smoking was quite a cheap pastime (duty free roll ups) this new past time as, let’s say become more expensive. So I’ve now jumped on the diy juice band wagon. I like most flavours fruity and creamy, and I’m willing to try something new. As a newbie I think I may be thinking outside of the box slightly. I feel like it’s my 18th birthday and I’m stood at the bar in a pub undecided what to order because I’m overwhelmed by what’s on offer. Can I just point out that I use sub tanks but I find that I’m moving more over to the dripper as I find the flavours to be more intense and I’ve found out that I’m a bit of a cloud chaser. Which p***es my wife off while she’s watching the tv. This is the list of flavours I’ve acquired so far, Apple (FA) Strawberry (FA) Blackcurrant ( CAP) Pepermint (CAP) Lemon/Lime (TPA) Banana split (CAP) Chocolate (FA) pineapple (FA) Kiwi (FA) Black Jack Vintage (FA) Orange (FA) cookie (FA) Cream fresh (FA) Champagne (FA) Meringue (FA) Yoghurt (FA) and Cappuccino (FA). Can anyone one advise on flavours to add to my stash as I feel I’m out of my depth slightly. Any input would be greatly appreciated many thanks in advance


Congratulations on quitting the stinkies! I smoked for 40yrs as well. Vaping only now for over a year.
So happy to finally be free…

Have you put all of your flavorings into the database yet? If not, click in the top right-hand corner on ‘My Page’, then click on the top right ‘User’ and finally ‘My Flavor Stash’. Add all of your flavorings being careful to put them into your database correctly. After you have them all in, you can then cllick on ‘User’ - ‘What Can I Make’ and the software will give you suggestions.

Also, you can go to your flavor stash that you’ve created, click on a flavor and see what other people have done with it, what other flavors are most used with it, and read the notes from others on each of your flavorings.

Have fun!!


Congrats on kicking the habit! I think it’s all about finding what you love! For me FA’s Custard, Vienna Cream, Caramel, Butterscotch, Jamaican Rum, Fresh Cream, are flavors I can’t live without :slight_smile:

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Yes I’ve already done that Alisa but it hasn’t really rocked my boat if I’m honest. But I will go more in depth thanks for your suggestions

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Congratulations on kicking the weed completely. I was a smoker for 30 years myself. As you can see from forums like this your hobby will soon become your passion. :wink:

The only thing to remember is that the only stupid question is the one you didn’t ask. Great folk around here who are all willing to help us newbies.