I have made this lemon meringue pie several times at 70vg/30pg ratio. But this juice always seems to be alot thinner after a long steep. I steep for normally a month. The velocity within the bottle is definitely not what it was when it was first made. I get alot more spitting than normal when vaping it in compared to other juices I make. I was thinking maybe the buttery components of the FW pie crust was thinning it out? Has any one had experience with this concentrate ?
Yes I have experiance but not any issue from it like you talking about …In my experience flavir can be weak or even thin but as far as actually thinning your base in not sure about that
Oops you meant FW Pie Crust I thought you were talking about FW LMP …Regardless I don’t see how a flavor would change the base
I’ve never heard of that, but I haven’t tried the FW either. I really like the TFA Pie Crust. I like mixing it with FA Cookie for a better crust flavor. I guess what I’m saying is if the FW doesn’t work out you might want to try that.
Hey there!! Just a friendly reminder that FW Pie crust is on the avoid list do to containing chemicals that aren’t good to inhale. You can substitute it with TPA or OOO pie crust without issues. Thank you
Ms. Emotions
It’s strange how it’s the only recipe I do that has this effect. I didn’t think a flavour could do that but it is quite a buttery/greasy flavour I just thought it may be causing the issue
Thank you , I know this is one of the “bad for you flavours” I didn’t realise this until after I had purchased it , and I’m not one for wasting money. So I will use it and then change brand when it runs out. I have a few other flavours also containing bad ingredients . The way I look at it is, it’s still got to be better than all that tar I used to put into my body.
Have you tried the tpa or ooo version? Would be interested in knowing how they taste and mix ?
That’s quite a complex recipe, what makes you think it’s the FW concentrate which creates the issue?
If I had a problem like this I’d probably mix it without the pie crust and see how it goes. Or perhaps one of the components is dodgy? (old, stored to warm, contaminated or something)
I don’t know for sure, hence why I am asking if others have had a similar experience with it. I’ve used the other ingredients in other reciepes and not had the issue. This is the only recipe I have used this flavour in , so I have nothing to compare it too. Thanks for the tip though, I might make it without it and see what happens. The date on the bottle is still good for 13 months , but this was bought rebottled, so who knows. As for storage , I keep all my flavours in a draw in the shed.
To be certain that it is the FW Pie Crust you could always make a 10ml single flavour tester bottle up of it at your usual ratio of PG/VG and see if the same thing happens, the other thing it might be is a reaction between that and another flavour possibly the lemon as I have heard some people have had separation issues with certain lemon flavours. It would be really helpful if you could show us the recipe that you are having this problem with.
It’s linked in the OP
Ah yes, sorry I missed your link at the top.