FlavourArt Dragon Fruit

I can’t nail down what this tastes like. I’ve never had a real dragon fruit before LOL so maybe it does taste like dragon fruit? I get pineapple, and some back notes that I just can’t figure out. It’s seriously going to drive me nuts and as far as I know you can’t buy dragon fruit where I live. The notes are all over the board so maybe I’m not the only person that can’t figure this out. Any of our super tastes out there tried this and have a clue?


@authormichellehughes that’s a tough one. I think you’re close with the Pineapple, as DF is a very “bright” flavor IMO. Bright, forward, pinging towards sharp without any bitterness, and yes, similar to a pineapple, but without the pineapple LOL. It’s a hard one to explain.


I don’t know where you live, but it’s a cactus fruit and I can find it on a lot of veg and fruit markets or in Asian markets in Belgium. You may also see it under the name Pitaya.

The flavor is often described as a combination of pear and kiwi… not sure about the pineapple but I guess some people might taste it. Taste is a weird thing.


I have seen it around here, at the flea markets. The Mexicans here love it.
I have eaten in a few times, and it’s just one of those hard to explain to someone that has never eaten it.
Love it, but too much will give tummy aches :slight_smile:

Flavorah’s is better for me, and more true to the fruit itself. <my thoughts… :crazy_face:


There are 2 kinds of dragon fruit, red meat and white meat
Red meat dragon fruit is sweet with some sourness (tartness?) to it, while the white meat is more sour (tangy? Tart?) with some sweetness.
from the notes, flavour art dragonfruit is more the red meat one, I think.
Pineapple, grape fruit, cactus and a mix of other fruits.
So… Fruit coctail, maybe? Sorry, not really helpful, isn’t it?


Thanks so much for all the insight guys. Clanton, Alabama is my closest place to shop and while yes we have fresh markets here (Peach Park great tourist destination here) it’s more um normal fruit? I’ll pop some more flavor in another tester but I’m thinking it just may be I can’t describe this flavor because I’ve never had the real thing. I’ll have to look around and see if anyone can ship me a real piece of dragon fruit LOL


Cranberry, Hibiscus, pineapple LOL maybe?


Some dang tea I tried at sandwich shop I upped it to 4% (which is probably way over-flavored) to see what I could pull fresh


I actually tried a real piece of dragon fruit about a month back and was super eager to finally find out how this mysterious edible would taste like (at least mysterious in my neck of the woods). To be honest, I was disappointed - It tasted like a cucumber :expressionless: . Maybe I got an under-ripe one?


it’s more like a kiwi and a cucumber had sex on top of a watermelon rind :stuck_out_tongue: :crazy_face: :tada:


There are different dragonfruit Yellow , Red , White and I believe blue…Yellow being the sweetest with the most taste …Red is sweeter than white. I tasted a white one and was disappointed , the White and red are the colors inside …I believe the Yellow and blue are the outside colors


The white is like an almost tasteless kiwi fruit the red is sweeter and more flavourful.


Michelle this guy doesnt make it easier one you but …


While I still haven’t figured this flavor out, I have found it adds a punch to my Strawberry FA without having to add another strawberry to it.


Lol… I’ll retest it and give my opinion if you did like…but I did like it above all other DF flaves even INW I think


Awesome Fidalgo, I’d love to see if it works the same way for you :slight_smile: