Flavrz / VSO Flavor Pcts , Testing Methods etc ...A difference of opinions!

Damn and it was just getting interesting too “NOT” !!! It’s not fun to see a bunch of grownups argue over silly stuff. Honestly Flavrz flavors are just that “flavorings”. There will be mixed reviews just like there are with all flavor companies. Some people will love them some won’t. I saw no issue with @Jetz promoting his company or their offerings, because if a quality reviewer like @SessionDrummer says yes they are good doesn’t mean that he or anyone else is twisting someone’s arm to buy Flavrz or any other companies products and go down a RABBIT HOLE. No one ever forced me down the hole “Heck I jumped head first down the rabbit hole”.
You don’t see anyone getting upset with the fine folks @ Noted or AFLiberty for promoting VSO, WF, FA or any other flavor company. They (As Reviewers) just give their best opinion of what they get from a companies flavors. It doesn’t mean that we will or have to agree. I have tried numerous flavors from @SessionDrummer’s and others reviews on flavors and equipment and some where complete miss and others were simply amazing. I’ve been in the DIY community since 2015 and have seen countless good and bad recipes come though ELR, and have tried numerous good and bad recipes and flavorings but have never slammed someone’s work because I didn’t like it. I’ve tried recipes with over 300 good reviews that just didn’t taste good to me, but I would never put down another’s work over my opinion. I’ve had a good run in the DIY marketplace, I’ve sold good e-liquid recipes to commercial companies, and even had a few good one shots produced, I’ve also had a lot of drain cleaner recipes.

I think that this forum @ELR is an awesome place to share ideas, recipes or just have mindless banter. So in closing in order to keep this forum fun and friendly, sometimes its a lot easier that if you have an issue with something someone says or does, just bring it to the attention of the moderators to deal with rather than arguing like school kids. Peace :peace_symbol:


Whoa psycho. Not sure why you have me quoted and so much you two, or pitchman. I think you meant the vendor.

Since that Lipo thread we have moved on, well about the 100C and a coconut recommendation. I’d say we’re (you and I are friendly) as well.


Yes not you i was talking about you teo still being friends and yes the vendor and he who shall not be named :joy::joy::joy: my bad


I think him being active in conversation is part of the problem for people. He is a vendor an as such Lars has carved out a space for vendor’s. He belongs in the vendor area not on the review thread.


And he doesnt want anything bad said cause he cant handle it. He always shows up to push his product. Since day 1. Which i havent seen in my time here. He does not like criticism


I have no dog in this fight. Don’t care one way or the other. I have no interest in adding another flavor line. I appreciate SD’s reviews but two full months of one line is like eating ice cream for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It’s not healthy. It’s getting to the point where I want to block the thread. Lars has rules for vendor’s and now I understand why.


I believe any discussion or pushing that product should be in that flavrz thread only. But i see little nuggets dropped all over and thats what the issue for me was. Always promoting the stuff all over. And yes the past almost two month of seeing it show up everywhere is too much.


I can get that. I withdrew from all live streaming vape shows last year as everyone couldn’t manage 5 minutes without custards taking over all. As an eccentric and herbal blender - it made me feel like it was a circular discussion which ignored anything which was slightly different.

These days, I just get informed that one of mine has been tested by another who completely ignored my notes and then asks ‘So, what is Lovage Root?’


It’s SD being SD. He’s always been polite to vendor’s. Some reviews you take seriously some you keep at arms length. I don’t like a vendor giving his product away for review then defending any negative comments or praising positive comments in the review thread. It doesn’t belong no matter how helpful it may be. A vendor comments belong in the vendors section.


As others have mentioned, I have no dog in this fight. In fact, threads like this make me glad I only vape tobaccos :wink: As long as I can remember, there’s always been a ‘Notes’ section, in the flavor list, where anyone could note their own little review of a flavor.

I’m not sure when the reviews for a particular flavor line / company started showing up in the main forum. I normally just ignore them, since they usually don’t pertain to my vaping preference. Since there is already a vendor area, and a flavor notes section, are they really necessary on the forum, as well?

This isn’t a knock on SD and his efforts, whatsoever. His time invested has to be astronomical. I think he just wants to please everyone (vendors and ELR members).


Agreed @McDuckie. Thank you.


@rcleven Thank you VERY much, for noticing that.


The Vendors section is important to anyone wanting to contact the vendor. There are always questions to be answered when needed.
The Vendors section has dwindled here because they no longer sell to the public but it was always useful when they did.


Thank you @d_fabes. For clarity, unless I have been specifically tasked with testing Alpha or Beta flavors that are NOT available to the public, EVERY review I do, I don’t really care about pleasing the vendors or the MFG’s because YOU GUYS are the ones who will (or may) end up using them. Granted, I have built up a network of contacts, but I am not beholden to anyone, them included. About the only “obligation” I have, is if we have discussions, and product is shipped, I am obligated to review it/them.


Roger that. Volunteered time at that.


@rcleven well wait a second, are you ON to something here ?? Is this TOO LONG of a flavor testing series ?

I’ve got the brand new Duomei’s SITTING ON DECK, and I could break this up a little bit.


@TimWV it’s hard for me to argue with that point.


But this ice cream will have sprinkles!!

(Sorry, couldn’t resist)


[quote=“d_fabes, post:110, topic:269631”]
I think he just wants to please everyone (vendors and ELR members).

His job is not to please the vendors by inflating ratings and unfortunately thats what we are seeing. His giving higher rating scores with flavrz then he has so many main concentrates identically named flavors. Same profiles and description. And i jsut cant believe that stuff is better when its designed to be for pods then flv fa vta cap wf. These ratings he is dishing out make this come off like the best of the best. I just dont believe it. I think he is trying to please a vandor a little too much. Hence when i use the term skin in the game.

I think thats not true. He who will not be named has a lot of pull off his reviews with some people who throw hundreds on concentrates off his reviews. And unfortunately by promoting them and dropping recipes and claiming its a real good one, is dropping that seed. So directly he isnt saying you need to buy them he is dropping a lot of persuasive messages like this recipe here is a great one or oh this is a must have. These things are a salesman way of enticing the perspective person to buy. Wether he knows it or not thats exactly what he is doing. People will always look at his reviews and say if they are this good i must get it. Look at what kc was trying to spend. Ffs off a review of weak concentrates. When asked he who will not be named said out of all he has tested he would only buy 5 or 6. So what does that truly tell you. And those are because he sells to people that use pods :man_shrugging:t2: i highly doubt he will be vaping them himself. So should tell the community quite a bit. Oh there is more but not right now not going to show my cards just yet :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:


@rcleven I hadn’t actually considered that. That is actually a GOOD point. I think @fidalgo_vapes had asked @Jetz if he wanted the Vendor tag earlier on, but I had forgotten about it, you know, with this DUMP TRUCK LOAD of flavors I’m trying to get through and all, hehe. Thank you.