curious about flax paper used in conjunction with the cotton or rayon wicks. seems interesting. i’m going to guess one is to roll the flax paper over the wick and then thread it through the coils as it would prevent direct contact between wicking material and hot coil. has anyone tried this stuff? and if so, what were your initial thoughts? yes i would use it again or no its a waste of time
Paper? Hmmmm… you need to check the temp of the flash point but I’m thinking that would be bad?
That’s what I had thought too but it’s in premade coils. Has the coil, flax paper wrapped around the coil and cotton wrapped around that so its wet constantly. I was wanting to play with it and wrap flax paper around my rayon then thread it through the coil.
Let me know! I am very curious.
I will. Have some raw flax papers coming and will give it a fair shake. I asked @JoJo to delete this thread later today but I’ll send info to you regardless on my findings
I would like to know what you come up with also
I was looking through YouTube and this flax paper thing came up. I figured one of us here has messed with it but apparently not. The raw, unbleached flax rolling paper should be here Wednesday and will mess with it then or Thursday depending on time.
The video I saw had this paper in the pre made coils but couldn’t find anything on RBA or RDTA types… if the paper is wet with juice it shouldn’t burn but I also burned trash bixes yesterday in a downpour so will see
I am interested in this also. I,think you should keep the thread open.
Ok. I’ll ask @JoJo to keep it open until the tests come through. 3 person curiosity is enough to keep this open lol. Thanks!
Ya I seen that also.
I agree with @TheTinMan1. Lets keep it open a bit longer. It might even turn into something
Throw up a link where you got that flax paper. I guess I could look it up. I am not even sure what it is used for.
Gods plenty in this pack. If it’s awful I’ll send it to @TheTinMan1
I wonder why the manufacturer decided upon putting paper on top of the coil then wrap with cotton?
Now I remember…
Probably had some stoners working for them and “accidently” used there papers in there vape and wamo bamo…
im still wondering what would make them try this and actually install it in a pre made coil. dont you think thats kinda off the beaten track a bit? today i accidentally bumped the lipo mod and the power setting went to 12.6v. i didnt know it and took a hit of fire in my lungs while driving. fire was shooting out 1" high above the drip tip and managed to toast the wicks. if i had flax paper on that coil…sheesh, i think im done experimenting with fire on the tank
yes I do think its off the beaten track but they have people working for them to look for something innovative, If they are the first to try the next hot thing…
Very interesting! Can’t wait to hear results!
You got another one interested in the results of this
I’m trying to figure out the main reason as to why the paper. Any ideas?
Supposed to give great flavor for a long time.
I would also like to know how this goes.
Is this because the coil doesn’t burn the liquid from the wick directly? Getting that paper on the rayon then into that coil might be a trick but I’ll take pics as I go