The more I think about it it makes me wonder if it could possibly have some kind of coating on it to make it more resistant to heat?
Did NOT mean for that reply to come out nasty sounding. Sorry for that. I’m not gonna take any more pictures and will give my papers to a co worker who rolls his own cigs. The paper idea was ok but it’s more of a pain than it is pleasure. Maybe you would have better luck?
It says it’s raw unbleached flax. Very fibrous stuff and they even use it for a psyllium husk fiber replacement. Because if the extra fiber it’s more resistant to tearing and burns slower.
Hey I’m no exper, just a thought.
Me either dude. It was an effort for science but I’m not gonna do it again
Well it’s good to know what doesn’t work!
It’s ok but imo, it’s a waste of time to mess with.
Effort vs return, if the return isn’t there or is very slight for the effort put forth it’s not worth it.
Amen brother.
No worries, I have a thicker skin than that
The only problem I had with this test is the paper you used is a mix of flax and hemp it is not pure flax. Also, that paper you used is made to be burned not as a wick. Does it matter? No clue
Anywho, here is what our favorite reviewer has to say
I didn’t use the paper as a wick.
I thought you wrapped the paper around the cotton? Is that not a wick?
No. The rayon is the wick.
Oh well, I don’t know, I thought that was the point.
Not trying to argue, so it is now my turn to apologize.
I think your probably right though, to much of a pain in the ass. I am still curious about the premade ones though, all of the “reviewers” apparently love it. Though I really believe most of them say it’s “great” because that is what they do.
Running on no sleep. Night
At the request of the OP