Foggy rooms

If it had a built in Kazoo or a duck call, I’d be all over it!


Well since my girl wwnt to bed and works tomorrow during day, i decided to put a bigger build in-
Dual coil set up, kanthal 2 28g wire twisted and 24g kanthal ran parallel, 3ID, 7 wraps. Barely fit. Comes in at 0.2ohm. Juice flow full open, air set in middle. Just wanted to experiment and have some fun with what few sizes of wire i have left (till fasttech order of SS sizes comes in). So far workin amazingly at 60watts, nice thick warmer vape i love.

I have seen those smoke buddy filters in the smoke shops around here, i really should pick one up sometime. The old toilet paper roll with dryer sheets on the end doesnt work like it does for… Other stuff… Hah


This will be cheaper than the addition, but be sure in the prenup it mentions “Vaping will not be a reason for divorce”

Maybe one of these?