Formula for Flavour Base

Anyone know if this is the formula for one shots?

batchAmount / flavourTotalPercent = X * individualFlavourPercent = numberOfMlsPerFlavour = Flavour Base?

EDIT: This is the formula needed

Uh…huh? Do you mean how many ml of each flavor are in a one-shot?

If i am making 30ml of a one shot / concentrate of say 5 flavours:

Does that forumla give me the amount of each flavour needed to make that 30ml bottle?

The one shots are like a flavor base. All flavors are mixed together in a bottle. You use a specific percentage of the one shot to achieve the recipe.

I’m not sure… I’d just use the “make flavor base” feature and let it do the math for me!

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LOL thanks @mstokens but i knew that :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

@VapeyMama I didnt even know that was a thing! Thanks!


Yes that proves the formula is the right one, thanks all!

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LOL I was wondering… I confused myself just reading the question :slight_smile:

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I even went back to check my question lol

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