I have a Griffin 25 with top airflow, an Avocado 24, a Smok tf something rta and a cylindrical mech mod all literately sitting in a bag. If anyone wants them, let me know and I will send them to you free. I’ll pay shipping if it doesn’t break the bank.
Would be interested in the avocado! And thank you for considering me!
Is the mech mod availible? We dont have one of those!
I will pay shipping!
I have an avocado, but would be interested to try the others out. I can pay for shipping if needed! Very nice of you to offer them up to the community here. (Edit: the other RTA’s, I mean. Not ready for a mech mod yet, just started building coils a few weeks ago)
Hi Tracy8. Ill take the griffin if you still have it. Ill pay for shipping. This is so kind of you. We have the nicest people in the forum.
Folks, dont sleep on the Smok TF tank he posted. I imagine it is a Smok-TF RTA with a G2 or G4 deck. It is a flavor machine.
I have it. Just send me an address.
The avocado is the best. Send me your address and it’s yours.
Much appreciated!!
I’d love to check out the Smok RTa if still avail
Its nice to see pepole sharing
Love this forum and thx Tracy8
I’m not sure if I am doing this correctly. This is my first post to the
forum. (Any forum). Not sure if I replied individually or if I did it
If you click on the person’s avatar (in the upper left of any reply)… You have the option to message them directly (called a PM, or ‘private message’).
Also, on occasion, folks might PM you (they initiate the message) and you’ll see a green dot (like an indicator light on a cell phone) inside of your name/icon on the upper right of your browser, which denotes that you have a PM waiting to be viewed.
You can get to a PM a few ways. The easiest of which is to click on your name icon in the upper right, then select the “reply” (or notification) that links directly to the message. The other way is to click your name icon, then click the little envelope icon directly under it (before you even look further down to see the replies/likes notifications). Clicking the envelope will take you to all of your pm’s. Both read, or unread. =)
I also have 2 Theorems up for grabs.
This is super nice of you!
Is the mech mod still availible?
Hi! If you still have the Smok or a Theorem left, I would like to get one of them. Thanks again for being so generous! Happy to pay shipping, too.
The Smok is spoken for but the Theorem is available. Email address and it’s
I’ve PM’d @Tracy8 twice now (in the same message) but beginning to wonder if there’s a restriction on pm’s (for brand new folks) that I’ve forgotten about… Or if I just failed in trying to explain how to get to them.
On is way. Enjoy