@TheFlavorSeeker Frothing has been an excellent post mix routine in my mixing experience…but it doesn’t represent a speed steeping method in of itself (for me)…Indeed it does assist in the thorough blending of the VG, PG, and flavors, but by no means is an end-all process…I incorporate it in my routine to do a variety of things in addition to the blending attributes…For flavors which contain high amounts of flavor “volatiles”, frothing helps in the dispersion of these volatiles (which create a harsh vape), so that they will further be removed via a cap off process for about 12 hours after mixing/frothing…Flavour Art Forest Fruit (one of my favorites and most experienced with) is a prime example of this…It contains volatiles in it which if vaped immediately after mixing or after an insufficient steep time, which contribute to a harsh vape (for me)… I have found that after frothing/12 hour cap off breath/2 week steep, 1st week visiting daily to squeeze a bit of air out and re-cap, 2nd week daily shake… I get a wonderfully blossomed, extremely smooth and complex fruity vape that makes my mouth water…and I mix that flavor for MTL vaping in RTAs… I mix that at 15% flavor…Sometimes I will froth again, midway through the steeping time period…With this, given my high flavor %s and a fairly lengthy steep (sometimes 3 weeks), I get a BOLD and complex flavor profile, which has not muted itself, and I blend at 40/60 PG/VG or 30/70 PG/VG…
Another benefit I have found is that with flavors that contain small amounts of alcohol, the frothing combined with my post mix routine assists in removing the alcohol, WHILE maintaining the flavor components portion of my mix…Flavorah Flavors are prime examples of this…
@Chrispdx point of allowing your mix to settle is an excellent point, as the juice immediately after frothing has not had the time to properly attach to the PG/VG components of your mix…This is what the post frothing steep time will do…So in essence what you may be experiencing with your sweety sensation perhaps, may best be described like drinking a glass of Nestle Quik and encountering a little ball of the chocolate powder that didn’t get dissolved entirely during your mixing it in the milk…(Though I have no scientific evidence to back this up)
So yeah, I am definitely an advocate of frothing which is absolutely followed by a proper steeping time…and I use NO heat, as I have found that this kinda dulls out the bright top notes, and takes away some of the freshness, expecially for my fruit based mixes… I prefer to steep naturally in a dark, cool environment…
Another concern with frothing has been the idea that the Nicotine may oxidize during this procedure…If this is a concern of yours, as well, you can always froth your mix without the nicotine and add it a day or so later after it has re-liquified, then return to steep…
I hope you get to the bottom of this, and find your keys to successful mixing and enjoyable vapes…
Sorry it was so long winded