Fruits making me cough

My tastebuds have been weird lately . I have always been a pepperhead when it came to VBIC but somehow recently im not anymore.

Now a new thing i just found out. Lately any fruit i try to vape i cough my brains out after each pull. Some fruits have always been a little harsh but not like this. What can i do to help this? I tried some smooth in the mix but it didnt help much and i hate using smooth as it mutes flavors. Iv been reading here about Pyure stevia on here. Has anyone tried that? Does it work? I ordered some off amazon.


Sounds like me when using ANY NIC Salts.

Marshmallow, (or in extreme cases EM), can help UN-sharpen, the sharp.


I have tried that. Its not even on str8 fruit recipes, even like atrawberry and cream recioes tthat light on atrawberry. Oddly though i single flavor tested ooo strawberry jam and wasnt coughing but then in a s&c recipe with only that fruit it does. I also have both salt and freebase and tried both . The salt is a little better but not much


Salts make me cough like mother’s


I’ve found that if something starts to make me cough and it’s not something that made me cough before, it’s usually because the juice isn’t atomizing enough and the droplets are hitting the back of my throat. Sometimes it’s due to the coil/gunk/wicking and the solution is to clean and re-wick or new coil and wick. Other times I just bump the power up a tad and my problem goes away.


Yea but usually you can tell when that happens and it would do it with all juice not just fruits. I am on brand new clean alien v3 coils.


I picked up some of this ill try. I read it in a few threads here. How much should i use?


Some like Stevia. I don’t so no help there. However, I don’t equate lack of sweetness with harshness, particularly with a harsh throat hit. I vape fruits daily and I typically mix with higher percentages than many. (most?)

As with anything, you should isolate the problem. It appears that your nic is OK. Next I would mix a Max VG tester. Some thin with a little water, I use a small amount of alcohol. (vodka) Next I would test the cream you are mixing with since your standalone fruits aren’t harsh. Beyond that, my methods are very different. Try heating (no nic) to 130 F, cool down, then uncap and let volatiles escape. That happens near instantly. You can also use an ultrasonic cleaner and run several cycles.

The item you are waiting on was finished today. (finally)

I had a weird problem once when every mix tasted like shit. I had used our dishwasher to wash bottles and didn’t know that my wife had added a rinsing agent. I made a lot of draino that day. :laughing:


They changed the formulation on that stuff quite a few years back, make sure its alright to vape. Im not sure what the change was but it made the folks that used it to make their own.


I tried the original and a month later the contents turned black. :face_vomiting: Didn’t know it needed refrigeration. Then I bought Reb A leaf powder that stevia is made from. I still got an aftertaste. I also didn’t like the cloudiness. Even using a homogenizer, I had to heat to 195 F to completely dissolve it. At 195 F it turned water clear. Otherwise I was not going to vape it.


Wish i read that before i bought it


I think it may be my body. I vaped this same bottle of juice without coughing at all. Then for a few days it will make me cough like crazy , then ok for a day then back to a few days coughing like cazy but it only happens on mixes with fruits


I’m told that our bodies change every 7 years. I’m still waiting on my new one…this one’s about wore out. :laughing:

I’m using Rick’s Sugar Mama for a sweetener. Its VG based and the same as sugar daddy without sucralose which I hate. Work’s for me.


I hope my next body is better then this one lol.

Im happy with my cap supersweet for sweetener. Stevia is not my thing really, i was just trying it for the other propeties of that specific stevia that people said reduces the harshness of fruits 10 fold


Awesome . Ill pm you


Are these brand new coils of yours any different from your regular coils, different make, metal type etc and are you using a different atomiser than your usual selection? Try some non fruit recipes in the same device and see if there is any difference. Like @mrpipes said earlier it’s an elimination game.


Same coils i nornally use , sane device , never a problem with bakery dessert juices.

Anyway is has seemed to magically stop again. No longer making me cough with sane fruit juices that did last week. Idk

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When I mix higher than 30% PG fruits start to get a little harsh for me. My normal is a 80 VG/20 PG mix but sometimes 70/30 in cold weather.

PG sensitivity?

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Im just gonna chalk it up to my body is weird. Theres no reason i can find why it happens and then just stops happening