my gbox dont wanna start ive had not dropped it please whst can i do
Check your batterys.
Are they put in the right direction?
Check the battery charge on your charger.
Is the battery door tight?
Is the battery compartment clean. No juice on contact points.
may have to take it apart and see whats what.
ues i have done that now it works sometimes i must push upp the battery door against the battery then it starts it seems to be a connection problem
now it works i cleaned it on contacts but i wonder it is one of the holes on the back when i screw on the chassi one screw hole is wrecked i think the screw just spinns is it any solution in this case or should i be satisfied with one screw less on my chassi on gbox? thanks guys
that left down screw hole the screw just spinns sorry for my bad english
letss see a pic of the screw and where its at.
Get a little larger screw. May need to file away any excess screw inside the mod to keep from nicking the battery.