Hello everyone,
I have been looking at regulated mods for an upgrade, as it seems my istick 40w is nearly dead.
Two notes:
- I have never tried TC, only wattage mode and Kanthal so far. So, that’s that.
- I am mainly looking at good quality and a better vaping experience that is coming from a better board, not tons of features, etc. So, ANY other suggestions are welcome.
Right now I am between the Asmodus Ohmsmium (that’s a heavy one!!):
and the HCigar VT75 nano:
Any other suggestions are welcome of course. Just not sure if the Ohmsmium can fit a 24mm RTA though.
A thing to note that has got me slightly confused regarding the HCigar one. According to the manufacturer’s website, they suggest a 18650 battery with discharging current above 25A (check the link).
However, it does not specify if its maximum continuous discharge or maximum pulse discharge (which have different meanings). Assuming the first, which makes more sense, it seems that even the best batteries in this category are in the range of ~20A. Am i missing something here? For example, I have been looking at the LG HG2 3000 20A (https://batterybro.com/blogs/18650-wholesale-battery-reviews/57179459-lg-hg2-review-20a-3000mah). Would there be any danger using such a cell?
Furthermore, it is slightly confusing to me that the manufacturer suggests something like that, as I have not seen it in anywhere else.