Getting the "toasted marshmallow" taste from TPA's Toasted Marshmallow?

My Question is about Toasted Marshmallow (TPA). My eternal search for that childhood memory of real yummy, gooey campfire TM hits a dead end. All I taste in this flavor is this weird kinda sweet super buttery, warm day old milk kinda thing, not too horrible really, just not my thing, I’m sure I’ll find other enhancing type uses for it, but any tips or advice to making this taste more like what I described? I mixed it with FA’s Oakwood and FW Toasted Marshmallow that I’ll be trying in a couple of days but so far not smelling like it or with a quick tongue taste, not really tasting like it. Thanks in advance for your time


Whenever I use it I also use regular marshmallow and a little brown sugar with it. The regular mellows it and the brown sugar gives it that bit caramelized flavor that comes with a well toasted (not burned) flavor. The burned marshmallow is al I taste if I don’t add the other flavors to it.


I have same problem. I think there’s a trick with another flavor someone has figured out and is hiding from us.


I’ll give it a try for sure, thanks my fellow Jedi


Haha!! I agree with u


Have you tried ‘Burnt sugar’ …?


@Pugs1970 Vape flavor? I haven’t ever seen it, what brand where do you get it, aren’t you across the pond? Is it one of the companies in your neck of the woods?


Black fire FA 1 drop per 10ml…and I mean 1 drop :slight_smile: that will give you the taste like you took a Marshmallow over a camp fire and lit it on fire. Let it burn a few seconds and then blew it out. That firey flavor you get when u eat the Marshmallow is exactly what you will get.


Its One-on-one flavours dude, I got it weekend so can’t say what the flavours like but it sounds promising??

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Yeah I’ll pass it’s a tobacco flavor and I just don’t like them

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I don’t get any tobacco from it. More like ash


Is all you have done is smelled and tounge tatsed it ??? I suggest actually mixing as a single flavor test so you could actually see what it taste like


I have had good results with mixing Toasted and Regular Marshmallow along with a little bit of TFA RY4 Double. The RY4 adds a bit of a sweet smokey flavor along with a caramelised sugar taste. I use the two Marshmallows at equal % and add about 1/4 of that total % of the RY4.


I second this. It’s a campfire smoke flavour, in an extremely small amount this could help push it in the right direction.


Of course ive mixed, steeped it, and vaped it (TFA-Toasted Marshmallow) as a SF, that’s how I know it tasted like super buttery day old milk, and im writing this response in a totally non-negative, but completely respectful way too I might add


Real Flavors has a toasted flavor i believe you could try that. A toasted coconut flavor may work also if kept low enough. Ooo toasted cocunut is good and very strong. Brown sugar i see has been suggested my favorites are Natures Flavors and Real Flavors both are strong AF so go easy. As with all profiles adding other marshmallows flaves into the mix will help balance things out.


its all good i only ask because when i first read it , it looked like you were saying it smelled like and you tasted kn your tounge, have you found what your looking for yet ??

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I haven’t quite found that exact profile I’m looking for yet, but I like the direction juice_junkie_lover is going with FA’s Black Fire for that burnt outside but gooey sweetness of a real campfire Toasted Marshmallow, but I truly appreciate yours and everyone’s input and advice, it means the world to me


I’d love to hear ur thoughts once you play with them :smile: