Glad to be able to give a good report on the company Yetivape

i have ordered from team Yeti twice now…once for Apache tanks and once for vt200’s. both times required the attention of customer care, but not on bad terms. the first time i received a tank that had some problems that were of no fault of the company that sold it, yeti, but they immediately sent me out a replacement, before receiving the faulty unit, with 2 30ml bottles of their custom line of juices. the second time, i had ordered 2 vt200’s, and only one appeared, with 2 bottles of 30ml juice. i called to ask about it, they said they were getting ready to call me to notify me that they only had one of the colors i had ordered, so they sent the one they had so i would at least have one to use. when they sent the second, 3 bottles of juice accompanied my vt200, and i received a “team yeti” vape band. they always made sure i had plenty of gifts to accompany any handlings that needed customer care and were always very courteous and respectful and very professional. i truly dont believe they ever did anything wrong, but they made sure i had more than what i ordered just in case i had any hard feelings. these are the kinds of actions that make customers remember you by. i WILL remember these guys and i WILL use them any chance i get. these actions are what i can expect out of glorious companies/owners/reps like @Nicotine_River and @CatHouseVapor and @Walt_RealFlavors .
NOT out of companies like MedicineFlower and GlassBottleOutlet.
if you guys ever need anything that companies like Yetivape have in stock, i urge you to try them out. their prices are remarkably lower than a lot of their competitors and their customer care is right up there with the companies that make us boast about the fact that we KNOW them.
you guys know me and you know me well enough…i dont talk it unless its deserving.
thanks for listening, fam.


Thank you for the compliment my friend and have a great weekend!


Thanks for the heads up. I just placed an order with them. I’ve been wanting to check out the Joytech Cubis tank & RBA, but didn’t find a place that had both, until Yetivape. They give you a free 10 ml bottle of eliquid, when ordering a tank. I put the following comment in the order comment field.

“Do me a favor, if you can. I am a DIY mixer, and have juice coming out of my ears. Please donate my free ejuice to someone who walks into your store, and wants to quit smoking, and is trying to stretch a buck. My attempt to pay something forward, into the vape community, for someone trying to quit the cigs.”

Hopefully they will make that happen.

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i am confident they will. good stuff. real good stuff.

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going to have to give these guys a look. I am in a heavy ordering phase, trying to check all the places out I can. Thanks for the hot tip!

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