Good deals?

I just ordered it…gave in. Been asking people about it for awhile, and keep saying I’ll get it when I find a good sale. Can’t beat $13.29. They were sold out of the .4 coils though. Will have to order them from somewhere else.


ecig10 is no longer working?

Out of stock on Aromamizers… Poop!

I know :frowning: That is what I really wanted. They have been oos on a lot of stuff for weeks. I’ve been suspecting they are going out of business, but then why update their website? If they aren’t going closing they need to learn how to order, when half your items are oos for weeks, you are losing a lot of business.,


That is kinda weird… Maybe they’re still recouping from July 4th or something…?

I’m looking at that IPV400 that @juice_junkie_lover mentioned way to hard right now :flushed:. That thing has been on the wish list since I heard of it, right next to the Geekvape GBOX100. Not sure the CC can take another hit just yet though… What to do… what to do…? :cold_sweat:


Good for you!! You won’t be disappointed! It’s an excellent flavor tank that also happens to produce quite a bit of vapor!

I prefer the .4 ohm coils as well. I also have to note that my experience with those coils was very inconsistent. Some would be hot at 35w, and others would run all the way up to the full 60w. Most were in between. (that’s from a total use of 15 coils though, before I laid hands on the rta for it)

If you get the rta for it, you’ll quickly find yourself in cloud 9 (literally! Lol).


lol…they had that too and I almost got it. I’m still not ready to go all in on building. And I’ve already decided I want the Aromamizer Supreme mini for my first rta. After many questions and much advice from everyone here on the forum :slight_smile:


Has anyone tried those coilart coils yet? I found a sale and ordered some to try in my subtank nano as I don’t like the original coils. They are in the mailbox now…need to go get it. But specifically has anyone tried the ones for the Cleito and are they any good? They don’t give much info, doesn’t look like they are claptons like the og?

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Well, the only reason I did was: if the poo does hit the fan on the 8th (and as @SthrnMixer says) and the FDA does get “jack-booted” thugly on everyone (retailers)… then there won’t be any need for tanks that rely on coils since there won’t be any replacing them.

For another reason… Cost.
$15 for 5 coils that last as long as Al Bundy’s underwear (3 days to a week on average)… When that much spent on a roll of stainless steel (which fires faster than Kanthal, and tastes better, and cleaner too) and cotton will last for months… It’s a no-brainer!

So kills two birds with one stone in my opinion!
Especially considering that Youde has been selling custom wire (fused, twisted, ribbon, etc) in 15-30ft rolls for a while now!

Things are going well in favor of the diy arena. No reason not to build your own at this point (more than ever)!

Edit: oops. Was wrong above. I forgot that the Youde is Kanthal only (sorry!). That’s what I had been planning on buying until @Whiterose0818 turned me on to SS! I’m sure that he could recommend a source for both of us on SS clapton wire though!


Other than Bilateral nerve damage in both hands, especially with fine motor skills of course. However, I have been able to rewick my rda and clean it, and just have my hubby build them. So that is the fix we are looking at right now. He build the coils and puts then in with all those tiny f**king screws, and then I can clean and rewick.

He won’t touch a prebuilt coils…builds his own…snob :wink:


That bites. =( Sorry to hear that.

Good thing you’ve got the experienced helping hands for the building side though! :wink:


These guys are good for any type of wire you need,


Yes, we’ve bought from them. Also lightning vapes has some good sales every once in a while.

Yea but LV SS Clapton wire has Kanthal outter wrap, it’s ok but I prefer all SS.

LV is a good shop!!

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We don’t buy the specialty wire. My hubby makes his own claptons and twisted. I told him it’s probably cheaper to buy it premade with all the wire used, but he likes to do it. Happy hubby happy life :slight_smile:


I didn’t see any pre-made clapton wire. Or am I going blind again?

Oh, you meant at kbee. Sorry, don’t see it there either. LV does list clapton with ss inner and outer, so not all are kanthal outside.


“Happy hubby happy life”

You have NO IDEA what a rare gem you are! You’re easily one of the women that I can count on one hand that I have EVER heard say that (where men say the obverse frequently)!!

It’s obvious to me that you have not only a very happy, but great marriage! Kudos to you both!! (As it always takes two to make it what it is!)


For SS wire, I go with lightningvapes or kidneypuncher. SS Clapton wire can be found at lightningvapes or eBay.
Buy your core wire from anyone the above and then buy spools of high gauge from kidneypuncher and make your own with a Clapton jig.
If @Phill gets around to releasing his version of the Clapton jig, things could get interesting…


It’s only fair. If us females demand equality, and I DO, then I have to give back what I expect. Thank you though, we do have a wonderful marriage, and I truly believe we are soulmates. Fell in love with him when I was 15. Then life took us different directions and we stayed friends for years. Then married him 9 years ago this month. But I’ve known him since I was about 8.