Good flavor gone bad

I created a new recipe a while ago and it was some of the best juice that I have tasted. So I made a large batch and have been vaping it for a couple months. But on my last 15 ml bottle refill I noticed a lot of flavors are muted. It’s generally a shake and vape recipe so I thought maybe it would only get better with time. But now it’s just blah, no flavor. Have anyone else experienced this before? Also any suggestions on how to fix it?

I know Anise and Peppermint fades over time.

EM mutes flavors over time, and I don’t know, but maybe Citric Acid does the same?

That said - Some recipes are just better when fresh… :smile:

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I wonder if I make a fruitstone base from all the flavors and Add it to my current recipe in small percentages, if it would put pep back into this recipe.