Sorry, I’m not familiar with that. I searched for it but only came up with results for restaurants in Darwin (NT) .
Oh no, it is a tradition at Hertford College of the University of Oxford.
It developed for gentleman wanting to experience new exotic meats in order to honour the titular host’s zoological discoveries.
Sounds interesting, thanks for the explanation.
I’m off to have roast beef and veg for dinner
Have fun. I need to put a roast on, though with a bloody annoying seagull outside, plans may change.
I knew there were Retilians lol,nah pretty neat looking little critter.Amazing their still finding new species.Especially from the ocean from wence we came
Though we were not as bright as the whales and dolphins: When they let out a WTF and went back to the seas, we stayed.
They were def wiser,we stayed on shore and beat women over the head,dragged em into our caves and now look how many idiots are running around out here
Should’ve stayed in the Oceans lol
Luckily not all of us descend from Andrew Tate.
Yeah he’s quite the Character
I think that’s much nicer than my classification as potentially being a toxic client to represent. Only someone who in no way looks like a bloated proboscis monkey (@fidalgo_vapes - I assume that avoids issues by denying any link) comes close.
Huh??? What ?? Whats the question ? about what ?
I believe that I still need to ensure that I do not negatively compare the impressive nasalis larvatus to any humans who have declared bankruptcy more than the times they’ve lost court cases.
Oh my man , I am so lost …Lol sorry
Trump and monkeys. Hopefully that triggers your memory.
Tate supposedly wants to train Elon musk for this upcoming bout with Zuckerberg lol.Now that i might tune in for