Goon rda defect

the gold plating was a bad idea. it wears off. not chipping, but from the electrical current. it’s a known fact that all gold plating has this tenancy bc of the dissimilar metals. the oring tolerances are perfect. works great all around, but why did they gold plate it? if the gold is gone, that means it must be being vaped? stainless steel would have been way better and cheaper.

As far as I know, it’s conductivity and better conductivity = better temp control performance. That’s what I’ve been told. At least you can swap em out once the coating wears down too much.

Yup as @Naseschwarz says you can replace the posts on the Goon


Pretty cool rescue kit. Great to know it exists. I love my brass goon. As per the gold dissipation, I’m going to choose not to worry about it. I have no idea the parts per million or kabillion or whatever that is being emitted. I have no idea of what the actual emission is as dissipated via the electrical process at hand. I’m too busy worried about cow farts and global warming to add this to the list at present. I drove to work this morning and inhaled the exhaust of a few million oil burning cylinders and probably the methane produced by a few thousand people that drank too many beers the night before. I’m pretty sure I’ll die if I keep breathing long enough.


Copper’s a better conductor, (the #1 metallic conductor, followed by silver, then gold) though it’s reactive, unlike gold. Is yours a clone or authentic?

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I’m the last person who should weigh in on the virtues or problems with an RDA, seeing how most of my vape life has been spent on tanks. However, the Goon is the first RDA I’ve ever stuck with as a regular topper. It doesn’t leave my Noisy Cricket II. Reason - in my mind it vapes that good. That said, I’ve not found the plating to wear from mine yet after a couple months use.

As for vaping it…highly doubtful as any of the particulate matter would be attracted to the negative side. Theory only based on the process of electroplating. but if that theory holds water then you should notice the vanishing gold on the positive pin but not so much on the negative (it looks like that in your photo). I’d be really interested to find out what a long-term used coil would look like - particularly at and near the negative connection.

when i noticed this happening i did some research and read an article about gold plating not being as great of a conductor as people think bc the metal it is plated to and the gold create resistance to each other. i mean, i love the goon and still use it with the gold gone. i just think that most rda’s that are stainless steel conduct just fine and you dont have to worry about the durability at all.

does anyone know what material the gold is plated to? even with the gold missing on the positive post i haven’t noticed a difference in performance. i considered getting the new post, but if it works fine idk if i will unless it starts to rust or something.

My husband’s Goon started doing this quite a while before mine. I bought the Tobeco version for myself, and bought him the authentic. Mine has been very minimal, but starting to do it nonetheless. What about replacing with the titanium kit? I don’t know if those are plated or not though. I could ask 528 if you want.

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i didn’t know they had a titanium kit. that sound pretty awesome. i know they have a titanium goon that was like a limited edition and really tough to find and i think it was solid titanium.

As far as i know they only have the kit i linked to in my earlier post and no titanium kit. Just checked and they have the gold plated kit and also a black post kit that is sold out.

Crap, I just checked and only saw Gold and Black and black is sold out. I’m going to email and ask them, because I’m pretty sure I saw a titanium kit when I bought my Drip tips a few months ago.

if you saw titanium kit it was probably intended for the titanium goon. probably hard to find. i was thinking though: would that pose a problem on wattage mode bc the titanium oxide or whatever it is? they should sell an upgrade kit with pure silver posts. silver is not sooo expensive for something that small. if it was better and more durable i would buy it bc the goon is the only rda i use. not saying others aren’t good but i like the goon and don’t need a different one for everyday of the week.

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Just got the reply from 528, the Titanium kit was only a limited run while they were selling the Titanium Goon. Darn, I knew I should have bought them when I was buying the tips there. But they did respond with this: Our only options now are the black, gold and standard one that comes with the Goon. Oh, sad face. I should not have procrastinated on buying those. I apologize G_man, I didn’t mean to give you outdated info.


Just found this post. The Gold is coming off Negative post and clamp on my Black authentic Goon but My Stainless Tobeco “clone” is just fine. They both get about the same use, although the Tobeco has been used more because I had it for 3 or 4 months before buying the authentic. I guess I will order the replacment clamps, or maybe just get another Tobeco to rob the clamps off of it. They seem to be holding up way better.

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i wish they would sell the titanium rescue kit for the regular goon to upgrade the posts; but getting the posts off a clone isn’t a bad idea as long as it all fits right.
…or, while they are at it, why dont they have a titanium clone?

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Exactly! My Tobeco Goon lasted way longer than my husband’s Authentic in terms of the gold plating (or whatever it is plated with). Don’t get wrong, not talking bad about the authentic versions at all. I wish the Tobeco version was easier to find, as soon as I bought mine from Kanvape, they were sold out. I would have picked up several spares for only $12.


Korgeth could you please contact me on IG? My name is sinatra beard. Thanks bro


Have no idea why I’m answering this now. Must be bored. You would have to ask a chemist/metallurgist exactly what the reaction would emit and at what ppm to try to determine the possible harm of inhalation. In regard to current flow, Ya, gold conducts a bit better but given the overall current path of a mod and atty that thin gold plating would be negligible. It would take super human senses to detect a difference in the vape.