I am joining Noted on 8/9 for Grapefruit. It’s another flavor I like, so even for not being the worlds best flavor tester, I hope I can contribute.
Do you have any recommendations for me? I have quite some flavors, but won’t miss a hidden gem.
So I am looking for your favorite flavor, percentages, anything special you think about that flavor. Maybe your favorite recipe with Grapefruit even as a side note. Everything which could be worth sharing as a guest.
As a recipe I have in every case GF yourself from our fellow @SthrnMixer at the start. On of my ADV I enjoy regularly.
I love SSA grapefruit, also quite enjoy FA white and honey pomelo (WF maybe). The SSA I use 1-1.5 and pairs nicely with the pomelo at 1. The ssa is a grapefruit that doesn’t need paired up for me though.
I love INW Grapefruit. I thought I’d better try INW White Grapefruit and it was really musky. It smells like cat urine and doesn’t taste much better. Everyone else who loves grapefruit seemed to enjoy it though. FLV Pink Guava is great too.