OK kids give me a hand here I’m looking for some very very cheap graphic/photo software. I just want to make some labels and be able to move an image picture or drawing or type thing around on the page add text crop just the simple stuff I don’t want to be the next ansul adams or anything just mess around a little.
Guess I should have been moe specific I’d prefer something I can get on disc as opposed to downloading it.
Why the need of a disc when the software exist online?
What can I say I’m old, be happy I don’t want it on a floppy disk. lmao
How about downloading it then putting it on a disk to?
why can’t I buy it wait for the disc to arrive install it and be happy. lmao
Why buy it when you don’t have too? Gimp is free.
Good lord, do they still make software on discs?
I keep forgetting your Social Security number is one.
[quote=“GPC2012, post:7, topic:135008”]
why can’t I buy it wait for the disc to arrive install it and be happy?
[/quote]You can! For $10 I’ll put Gimp on a disk and mail it to you.
You beat me to it. ElExcept I was gonna go with $30. Those CDs are expensive.
Looks like it’s here already Please don’t tell me I have to take my 16 yo son practicing his driving in one of those…
The last thing I downloaded for free from a “recommended secure site” sucked down a whole network node and as far as I know the PC’s are still being used as door stops. Call me a fanatic or what ever you want. Hell when windows does an automatic upgrade I pass out three or four times before it completes.
@Skullblade789 I keep telling you it’s three not one.
OH gee what an offer let me think on it for a little bit