I have a few Gremlin concentrates. I bought them back a while before I knew how to properly list them.
I have Vanilla custard-Gremlin and have it listed as Vanilla Custard-(gremlin diy) but that doesn’t look proper, even though most of the entries are listed under that one. Which is the proper listing?
I’m going through my stash to clean it up.
Typically Gremlin has always been listed as (Gremlin) but as @SessionDrummer pointed out, they have changed their name to “Gremberry Farms”
BUT even Gremberry Farms list Their flavors as (GRM)
So, there really is no good answer to your question the way the flavor database is set up…
Thank you! I just want to get rid of my amateur listing and list them correctly. I appreciate your time!
Of those three in the screenshot, and going by the ELR naming conventions, the one with the lowest number of recipes (2) would be the correct name. Normally it would be a name with the highest number but this is the only one that follows the guidelines…sadly.
@TorturedZen before Gremlin became Gremberry Farms, didn’t we used to use Gremlin DIY ?? Old age sets in, and then it’s quicker, and easier, to just get another beer, rather than remember LOL.
There’s a few like that but there’s also a variety of spellings. The top name currently says (Gremlin). The problem and, hence the confusion, is no one is managing the DB when changes are needed. The backlog of dupe submissions is well over a year old, maybe more.
Thank you so much for the clarification. I picked that one because it looks proper. I don’t have that many I need to fix, but when I started a year ago I didn’t know much about ELR. Thank you for all you do trying to keep the names correct!
No worries m’lady! And thank you for the thank you!!